Of what does kief consist?

Discussion in 'General' started by HighAsPhuck, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. I know there's THC in it; but, are there other cannabinoids in it? Assuming it does consist of other cannabinoids, is the ratio between THC and other cannabinoids commensurate tots respective plant from which it came?
  2. i dunno, it gets u high as phuck though.
  3. pure trichome goodness, see trichomes are the "crytals on the marijuana, by sifting ground marijuana thru fine mesh, the "crystals" will scrape off and fall thru the screen, so the end result being kief

  4. I think he knows that much, I believe he wants to know more about the cbds in it, unfortunately I'm not knowledgeable enough about the different types of cbds so I'm not goin to say anything.
  5. Trichs...
  6. Hard to say.. I guess any CBD small enough to get through the screen. Would depend on the grinder, but mainly the buds
  7. All the things a growing boy needs haha :bongin:
  8. thc and various canibinoids surrounded by a water casing

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