
Discussion in 'Security' started by Jlearn, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. This isn't really about cultivation butttt...I live in a apartment and neighbors are starting to complain about the strong smell of good ol mary jane. I also have a officer neighbor a few doors down. Any recommendations to the best air purifier to help with the smell? I live in about a 900 sqft apt....I want overkill though...something to guarantee the smell will not leave my apt when i'm smoking......Any have personal exp with something before i go out and buy? Money really isn't an object as long as its not WAYY out there.
  2. Hey Brother, try this....Take an empty toilet paper tube and load it up with dryer sheets of the scented kind, when you exhale, do it through the tube. Air flows freely through them and it used to work well for me smoking cigs in school bathrooms and dorm rooms. I dont personally smoke pot so I have never tried this method with it but let me know if it works.
  3. You want overkill you say? Smoke outside.
  4. Same thing the growers use. Carbon scrubber with a fan in your smoking room.
  5. If you smoke Pinch hits then exhale into a rag/tee shirt or the tube with dryer sheets mentioned above you will have NO smell at all. I sit in a room with the wifey and smoke like that and she can see me doing it but can smell nothing even though she is 5ft away from me, I'd call that pretty good smell control.
  6. Why are you a member of this site if you dont smoke pot, im not trying to be negative about it but im just curious.
  7. ok so i guarantee this 100% will work, take a toilet paper roll fill it with active carbon: you can get a shit load for like five buck, look in the fish supply:

    -cover one end over with a coffee filter

    -fill like half way with the carbon
    -shred a coffe filter
    -stuff it into the tube with the carbon, and pack it down

    just keep in mind to have no smell take one hitters, and make sure you blow most of the smoke thruogh the tube
  8. shoot the officer and bury him, problem solved lool
  9. would you consider using a vaporizer? I think it produces much less odour. Maybe it's not your preferred way of toking, but it can be useful in such cases.

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