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Odor removal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CWHambone, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. What is the most effective form of odor removal when smoking indoors. I mean like direct smoke odor... Sploofs as they're called. What is the most effective/creative sploof design gc has to offer? :rolleyes:

    dryer sheets in the toilet paper roll. Classic.
  2. thats what i do. fan blowing out the window. works perfect. ozium spray works like a charm, too.
  3. All I do is smoke like 10 hits out the window, and open my door. Smells gone.

    Well its a while before anybody comes in but still.
  4. like what bunny is saying just blow out the window but just in case have some febreze but dont use to much just a couple of sprays to make sure it doesnt get suspicous
  5. sploofs can be made out of anything that has 2 holes and your mouth fits in one...some people use plastic bottles and put holes in it to make it look cooler

    i've never had any problems just...

    - open all windows, unless they're blowing inward very hard, use a lighter to tell if it's sucking out or in.

    - light a candle / incense (incense can be suspicous so you should burn some before you blaze and see how people react so you can be 100% sober and handle your shit and tell them you plan on burning it because it's a relaxing smell)

    - smoke from a pipe...put coin/lighter/object on top of bowl to prevent it from cherrying and smoking from the bowl into the air because that smoke wouldn't be filtered from sploof

    - spray any air freshner, leave windows open, leave room for a few mins come back and smell it.

    - use a fan if you want to but in the winter it'd be suspicious

    honestly just do this and the smell is weak, and gone 5-10 minutes after smoking a G in bowls.
  6. Ugh, I hate getting rid of the smell. Just love the delicious smell.
    Anyways, my friend puts dryer sheets over his fan and they clear the room out well.
  7. I smoke out the window, curtains closed. If its warmer inside than out, smoke out the top part of the window (cold air comes in the bottom section, warm air goes out the top). Basic physics :)
    or outside with an umbrella - I'm from the UK
  8. There was a sploof design on GC that was incredibly unique. It was sort of a reversal of the water pipe. You needed two water bottles and a straw. Cut one of the water bottles in half and fill the top half with dryer sheets. Take your second water bottle and make a hole near the top big enough to fit the mouth piece of the first bottle. Take your straw and opposite the hole you made for the mouth piece, make a hole for the straw. Put all the pieces together and tape it so it's air tight. Then put liquid in the second bottle, covering the straw. It requires more lung power and takes longer to exhale a hit than a regular sploof but it works much better. I forget the name of the blade who designed it but he was a genius.
  9. Get a stoner air cleanser. Ozium (sp?) smells like clean with a hint of lemon, but I use this stuff called Mr. Danks that after 5 sprays makes my room smell like baby powder. It's only $4.20, but lasts a long time and works good.
  10. Ozium works too well, can't smell a thing, i use it for my car as well. only a few sprays
  11. Ozium ozium ozium ozium!
  12. Ozium and a smokebuddy. It's a sploof that has an air filter in it so it gets rid of smoke when you blow into it.
  13. #13 CUtoker, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    This man knows what's up. No smoke or smell with the smokebuddy. Plus ozium eats the smoke smell like its nobody's business

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