Odds of God

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by 1Trismegistus1, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Less talk more video.

    "precious ghee"

    Clarified butter.
  2. people always say its 50/50 but... what gives god 50? shouldn't he be providing evidence ? didn't humans define god? which god?

    I think its probably closer to 0 to start with, and go from there.

    and when christians pull the 50/50 bullshit i just say that means there is a 50/50% chance that Krishna exists. which means there is a 25% that they both exist.

    this is all very confusing i just believe that all is one
  3. 50/50 (which I called a maximum in my post, not the actual probability) would come from the binary quality of the question: Is there, or isn't there? (something, anything) I think an atheist has to answer there isn't, and the probability has to be zero for them. The theist kind of has the opposite problem, but doubly. Either he knows and the probability is 100 (but certainty devalues faith), or he doesn't know but has faith and the probability must be rather high in the 90s.

    We see religious people pushing hard against science, since science has been answering questions with observation and experimentation that before could only be answered by religion, intuition, and faith. I think this cuts the probability maximum in about half, to 25. I have serious concerns with religious dogma that tempt me to lower it further, but there is still a lot left to understand so it seems reasonable to leave it there for the time being.
  4. odds of god: 1 in all. :smoke:

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