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Oddities in my travels with Ms. Jane (long weird post about bad highs)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GlassCactus, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I smoked spice once, prolly about 6 months ago. Now I don't smoke every day at all. Really only once a week maybe twice tops. I'm very recreational. However, being 18 with straitlaced dad who is an ass and my mom who is super anti-drug. Now anyway, back story aside, I smoked some Dark Knight a whole 2 grams with a friend. (Prior I hadn't smoked in 3 months, and I ALWAYS have a super low tolerance) I had a terrible high, pounding accelerated pulse, paranoia out the ass, nose bleeds, vomiting, black outs, everything was spinning, noises sounded as if they were screaming, I couldn't stand up, my thoughts looped and I thought I was dying. Especially the loops,everything was cartooned, and really scary. I couldn't see out of one eye (COMPLETELY BLIND?!) and extreme pain in my ears, also convulsing and shivers all over. Now, I've smoked maybe 15 times since then, and most of them I get paranoid, and the shivering (its a tad bit nippley here in Va), and also the slight looping of sounds (it sounds as if all the sounds in the background are super loud and distorted, then looping, then I snap out of it, then I get lost and it does it again), and also I get really sensitive, like when I take my contacts out it almost hurts, because it feels so good. It feels so strongly I feel like I can taste pain in my mouth, like metallic copper taste. But my highs always start off really great, then I'm like "Whew, this is cool, I'm glad its not like spice" then time stops and then usually the high starts going down hill. So anyway, I could go on forever about the terrible spice trip, but why is it affecting my normal highs? Should I smoke more? Or smoke less? I can take 2-4 tiny hits off a joint and put it out and be goood for like 3 hours, but I usually smoke late late at night. Like right now I just came in side after 3 med. hits, and I'm in outterspace sitting in my deskchar, now its not bad. But maybe its the time of day? In a way I like it, because its like a more rollercoaster like feeling of E but much diminished... Anyway, any thoughts? I don't think this is what being high feels like. Maybe its the weed? It was super super potent maybe? My 'Happiness Consultant' goes to Va Beach every weekend almost to get his sick bud. Before the spice trip, I never hallucinated, got scared, or was in pain. I was happy, and awesome. Any thoughts woud be great. And sorry for the long post. Kudos to those who actually read it all. Even more to those that know whats going on.
  2. The only drug I saw mentioned in your post was spice (unless Dark Knight is a strain of bud.)

    Don't smoke spice.

    I may have been missing something, but reading that gave me a headache after like 5 sentences, so I stopped.
  3. fuck spice
  4. *Nutshell Version:*
    I smoked spice once, and had a weird panic attack, ever since then, when I smoke normal bud I have almost identical symptoms, but less heightened. I was wondering why, and how to fix it. I was rambling high nonsense for most of it lol
  5. Ok, I understand now.

    Well I have some great advice for you, it should help you when smoking spice:


    since then I've had weird panic attacks when smoking REAL BUD. I was asking if anyone had any theories, or was experiencing the same thing.
  7. Shit, sorry about that, I totally skipped over the part when you said you smoke real bud.

    I don't know, sorry. I have no experience with spice.
  8. Its ok man. :cool: But yea. Idk why I have these weird attacks. Before I smoked spice it never happened then afterwords it happened all the time. Spice scared me so bad.... So, so bad. I haven't smoked it since so yea. That was about 6 months ago. And I think it might be past fears of it happening again, making me trip bad, or just the fact it might be moldy (I can make a 5 bag last a month, i keep it in a cool dark place aka an old advil bottle), or that I have a really low T. I can have like 2 pinches of weed in J an be spaced for a few hours. Maybe its the time I do it. Usually around 11pm-2am?
  9. Try smoking something like mids or even schwag. If your tolerance is so low then you need to start off with something a little less intense.
  10. Just take one average toke, see where it takes you, few mins later take another, then wait a few, then toke. Rinse repeat till your at the high you want to be at :D
  11. Thanks guys, but one last question, has anyone experienced what I do? Especially the shivering. I'm not even cold and I just shiver. This is when smoke normal bud.

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