Odd Spots on Fan Leaves??? (PICS!)

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by ChargerFan722, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. These are some Lemon Skunk fem's. Using GH Flora-Series Nutes, Hygrozyme & Pot of Gold. Ph is 6.7-6.8. in Black Gold Soil-less mix. Dont think it is nute burn 'cuz I've been feeding it plain water the last few days. What could this be? It's on both plants and on lower & upper fan leaves. One of the leaves is barely exposed to light.. Any suggestions? :confused:

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  2. Have you spilled anything on them when watering?

  3. Thats what is looks like to me too, or some kind of slug damage.
  4. It is very possible that some nutes may have been spilled on the leaves. How would I check for slug damage? (Any indications under the leaves?) If it was nutes, is that going to cause any problems? Here's some pics of the girls so far! :smoke:

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