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Odd situation, someone help?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Frontman38, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I just went to pickup a half 0 of mids for 90 bucks. I got to the place and my (new) dude pulls out what looks like a quarter. So I tell him it definitely doesn't look like half an ounce, so he offers to weigh it out in front of me. He pulls out a scale and puts a little plastic tray on top of it (i see people do this alot, apparently it's so whole bag can fit on the scale). And it weighs out to about 14 grams. Just to be safe, I pull a dollar bill out of my pocket and take the plastic thing off the scale and put the dollar on, and the dollars weighs out to be 1 gram, just like it should.

    So there's my dilemma, this REALLY doesn't look like half an ounce, but the scale said it was and i tested it with the dollar. My only question is about the plastic thing that was put on top of the scale, maybe that weigh a few grams in itself. any ideas?

  2. I think your problem is that you're willing to pay 90 for a half O of mids, not the quantity you received.
  3. Did he even out the scale before he put the bud on there or did he just throw the tray and the bud on there at once?
    90 dollars a half is crazy expensive/cheap, mids or dank

  4. That's just how the prices are in my area, not anything I can do about it.
  5. Where do you live? Prison?

  6. If you don't want to be helpful why are you here?
  7. I don't have anything better to do with my life at this present moment.
  8. wow lol

  9. so honest


  10. You're giving me a bad impression of this website, I come for help, and I get you. Maybe this forum isn't what I thought it would be, you know, full of nice people.
  11. Post a pic.
  12. being nice is boring, isn't it fun to get a little spice from time to time?
  13. You can't judge the forums off one person. There's always a few bad apples.
  14. It's a forum bro... when there's good there's bad.

    It's possibly just bricked as fuck or he didnt tare it when he put the tray on

    Tare = setting it to 0 when theres weight already on it.

    edit: dont let 1 douche ruin a forum that you enjoy.
  15. Best way to deal with things like this is to get a scale of your own and weigh it at home, then complain if shit isn't right. A lot of times your dealer will fix the situation, other times a dealer will tell you to fuck off... It's the black market, getting ripped off is common you just gotta be careful. :smoke:
  16. Did you watch him tare it as well?

  17. Sure didn't, I didn't even know what tare was until this thread. He goes to my school and he isn't a stranger so I'll just talk to him.
  18. This.

  19. No, it's not. Not when you're creating bad vibes for new members.

    If you're not going to help then please don't post.

    OP - yes the tray weighs something - he should have zeroed the scale out so that when the tray is on top it reads zero, THEN weigh just the MJ, not the bag or anything else.

    You probably got shorted a couple of grams.

    Also instead of trusting a dollar, which can be more or less accurate, try getting a cheap weight, or better yet, get your own pocket scale, they can be had on eBay for under $15 shipped!

  20. Or better yet, Buy one from! :p The cheapest one is only 16.62 and theres a code for 10% off your purchase :hello:

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