Ocean Grown

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by JfromtheBeach, Jun 18, 2023.

  1. OG referring to our location being 6 miles from the Pacific coast in sunny SoCal. I’ll be growing both indoors and outdoors this cycle. Two cultivars: Skywalker OG from Original Harvest Seeds and Blackberry Bubble from Dutchman Seeds. All seeds were feminized. IMG_3302.jpeg IMG_3304.jpeg IMG_3299.jpeg
    This is today at the end of day 7. I direct sow in seed starting soil (Jiffy and G&B 1:1) in this 6 pack tray. I water with distilled from a sport top bottle. I put them under two, 24w T5s. This setup is usually good for the first week.
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  2. I planted 3 of each cultivar, but one of the SWOGs didn't shed her helmet soon enough and didn't make it. The plan is to take the shortest of each cultivar to grow indoors under LEDs and the tallest of each cultivar to grow outdoors under the sun. The 3rd Blackberry Bubble will also finish outdoors.
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  3. I keep them on a 24/0 light cycle for the first two weeks. They also go outside in full sun for 1-4 hours every day during this period.
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  4. Just before dusk today they got up potted into 4 inch nursery pots. I used Recipe 420 bag soil for the bottom half, backfill, and top dressing. I filled the watering can from the rain barrel and watered them in. The watering can was rough on one of them, so it got a temporary stabilizer. IMG_3305.jpeg IMG_3306.jpeg IMG_3307.jpeg
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  5. Ocean Grown Indoor weed ?
    Ocean grown= ocean breeze, always in the breeze or wind.
    For me your lights were too far away,, little to much stretch.
    Good luck
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  6. I'd agree. You need to move your light closer and get a fan blowing at them to stiffen up your stems. These 5 Critical Kush are 9 days old. 20230618_094958.jpg
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  7. All but one of each cultivar will be grown outside in their forever homes. They all get started here under the T5s, though. I do let them get a little stretch on the first day they come up, but they're 1-2 inches away from the T5s since day 2.
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  8. Your babies look amazing.

    I don't use a fan in the sprouting station since they are outside daily. They start their hardening off process on day 2. It's been cloudy all week here, except yesterday. Even yesterday, I only put them inside from noon until 2, then back inside before dark for the night.
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  9. They were praying under the lights this morning. That tells me that they adjusted to their new pots just fine. So, I brought them outside and gave them a foliar feeding of this stuff (half dose).

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  10. Heavy marine layer this morning with little to no breeze.
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  11. Now would be perfect time for you to ask for help.
    https://forum.grasscity.com/members/timj.1003795/ would be a great choice..

    Straight up
    Major issue is the thin stems,,, now that a couple plants has bent over, you might loose several plants.

    Up and coming issue will be Nutrient burning your seedlings.
    Your grow medium looks like store bought bagged potting soil.
    Which is fertilizer/ Nutrients....... and now your adding more fertilizer/nutrients.
    Baby plants need don't need bottled nutrients yet

    Your grow medium looks straight of the bag into the growing pot.
    Too me it looks like it could use 20% to 40% perlite, or sand, pea gravel and top soil. All depending which member you talk to.
    I mix 40% sand gravel, pea gravel and top soil to 60% bagged potting.
    Other members just add 1/3 perlite.
    I am saying this so you don't run into root rot issues.
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  12. I appreciate the feedback.

    The thin stems are an issue that should have been avoided. I only turn one light on until all the seeds sprout. Some don't sprout until the following day, so the early ones can get a little leggy. I hope I don't lose several plants over it.

    The grow medium is in fact store bought bagged potting soil. I don't think that it's very hot. It's no FFOF. The fish emulsion is definitely weak stuff (2-2-2). I mix up a teaspoon in a quart of water and my plants get a few sprays from a spray bottle. The rest goes to the outdoor veggies. I'm not sure that it does anything really, other than introduce a little biology into the mix.

    The grow medium is straight out of the bag and into the pot. I normally add 20% rice hulls, which I should have done, but I'm out. I will have to take care to not over water them. The seed starting mix I used is pretty damn sandy. Too sandy for my liking. I'm still in the experimenting phase with this soil. Forty percent aeration seems high to me, but I could try it in one of the BBBs at the next up pot.
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  13. #13 Headhunterpipes, Jun 18, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
    What soil ?
    Guess I am not explaining this right.

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  14. I guess not. Cuz I'm confused by the, "What soil?" question.

    Either way, nice looking hoop house operation you got there. Light years beyond me. I got my hands full with half a dozen sprouts.
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  15. Bagged potting soil is pretty much made up name, where most potting soil, is soil less soil..
    In other words there is little to zero soil in potting soil most cases.
    And in most cases retains water like sponge, which leads to root issues.
    Again good drainage is key
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. Heavy marine layer and cool temps this morning gave way to warm sunshine with a nice breeze this afternoon

    One of the little ladies still has a gangster lean. The other is tall and proud now. Gave them a few ounces each of distilled this morning. IMG_3312.jpeg IMG_3313.jpeg

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  17. IMG_3329.jpeg IMG_3333.jpeg IMG_3332.jpeg Day 16
    It’s warm and on the dry side. The top leaves are praying. The first set of “true” leaves on all the seedlings have a wavy appearance to them. One of the Blueberry Bubbles has some burnt leaf tips going on. She has the biggest leaf spread, so maybe her roots are reaching further. It does look like the bag soil I used in these pots was too “hot” for the seedlings. With the newer growth looking better, I’m hoping that they have worked through most of that stress.

    I was camping last week in the high desert. I didn’t trust my kid to water them correctly, so I took them with me. I guess they lost their “ocean grown” status for the week. They were outside during daylight hours and inside under 2 four foot T5s at night. They were probably about a foot away from the lights. It was fairly windy most days. I ended up having to shore up the stems of all the plants on one particularly windy day. A less than ideal situation, and I would not recommend it.

    I’ll probably transplant them into their final pots next weekend. I’ll give them a few days to recover from last weeks stress.
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  18. IMG_3375.jpeg Day 22

    All the plants have leaves wider than their pots at this point. Time for an up pot. Their first set of true leaves never recovered. I’ll trim them and the seed leaves when they get transplanted.
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  19. Apparently this site doesn't like any of my photos, lol. Keeping a journal here is going to be challenging.
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  20. Reduce your file size. If that doesn't work increase the file size a little.
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