OCD - Marijuana fix - Questions

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by THC party, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Hey I'm not quite the legal age of 21 years old to smoke weed quite yet and starting at a young age i started repeating phrases or words over and over and over again in my head sometimes even out loud when its bad i cannot seem to control myself from thinking it its nothing bad though trust me the words are :confused:meaningless words nothing bad...But anyways i repetitively say shit in my head over and over sometimes i dont even realize but i normally cetch myself doing it and i can not seem to stop and recently its been getting worse BUT scene i've started smoking weed it had calmed down and normally doesn't come back for a day or two after i smoke but it will always come back that and my anger and depression along with most my OCD has almost vanished but i still have OCD and its driving me insane you'd never suspect me as the type nor do i seem weird or socially awkward. But idk why i have this issue the phrases and words i say have no deep meaning or past so idk why i say them but weed seems to be the only thing to majorly help this issue...also for whatever reason when something sad or tracic happens it triggers it a little more and stresses me out but saying it seems to unstress me but then i get stressed if i dont say it enough or correctly...WTF is this sometimes i even just stop talking in the middle of a conversation rarley but i do to say this phrase or word and all that...HELP ADVICE? (Im not crazy though trust me im a fairly popular person thats happy 24/7 and seems to have no proublems nor have i had a history)


    I do smoke weed a lot and i live in COLORADO so its legal if your 21 witch i am not and i was wondering the legal age for a red card? whats the min and max?

    Also why do i have this issue and how could i get rid of it i do smoke weed so its not too bad but if i quite it would get so bad so im not going for professional help unless its a major issue...
  2. ASA : Becoming a Patient in Colorado

    Improvement in Refractory Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Dronabinol (Dronabinol is just a synthetic THC)

    (letter - 2008) http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/165/4/536

    Science: THC effective in obsessive compulsive disorder according to case reports (news - 2008)
    International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    Medical Marijuana and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (news – 2009)

  3. :confused::confused::confused:
  4. haha im saying that it doesnt seem like i am it seems as if im ok
  5. I would seek professional help

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