
Discussion in 'Politics' started by 1bakedpotato, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. I'm never as angry as I appear. I usually just respond after waking up, before bed, between classes or between jobs so I'm hyper busy. It is discouraging to constantly see new faces asking old questions, though.
  2. #22 Brudogg, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe." Thomas Jefferson

    Your question was loaded like a baked potato but i did answer it.

    Now you're saying that some people should make even less than minimum wage. You claim that helping the poor is paying them less money, You should be a politician or maybe a propaganda writer for politicians.

    You can only squeeze so much money out of people who don't have much before you'd have to start locking them up for not paying, those who have more money have to pay the rest of the bills because they don't have much choice. Where else could the tax money come from when the lower and middle classes have been for the most part sucked dry?

    If you want to complain about taxes you might start by moving to cut military conquests and federal redundancy of state agencies. Personally i'd like to see a tax structure with one flat sales tax rate nationally, collected locally and some to be distributed up as needed, and income taxes only on larger companies and no taxes on locally produced goods and import tariffs on foreign goods.

    Our current money systems are upsidedown economics. A lot of folks seem to be under the impression that the wealth comes from the corporations and government but in fact all the true wealth comes from the land and the people's labors. In our current market systems everything comes from the bottom but lots of it gets sucked up to the top, much is wasted and control is primarily topdown. In our current government in the US they take the money straight from the people and distribute the money and resources down to the states and people, much is wasted and control is primarily topdown.

    Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | Reuters

    You are exaggerating and misrepresenting. I already broke it down for you how that's not what i'm saying at all.


    Duh, you would be directly controlling the dunkin donuts construct with money, which is how most all corporate constructs are controlled. Are you like new to this stuff or you just trolling?

    Funny i could say the same thing about your kind. I have as much right to try and shape the game as anyone else does.
    I've already addressed this, I don't want your shit. I want all people to have at least a life sustaining share of the natural resources. And i think it would nice if the mental constructs that we refer to as 'corporations' and 'governments' and their human tools didn't claim the authority or ability to dictate how much of what everyone gets but that's what they do. It's those kind that won't stay the hell away from us. They think they own everything, literally, but in reality they couldn't possibly own our right to survival, but they sure act like they do.

    No, its rigged because its rigged. So the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer by total accident then? And where am i supposed to go anyway? The game is everywhere. I only play the games as much as i have to and because i am a landless peasant i have little choice but to play.

    I don't like repeating myself, I said "BESIDES slaughtering the natives, they took control of all the land and natural resources and they saw the natives as "lesser" and herded people like cattle wherever they saw fit."
    Maybe they gave YOU an ipad but not everybody can afford one. It's just more cheese for the rat-race.

    Ha, so seeing above poverty is a privilege huh?

    Depends on what factors you consider for standard of living really. I think those people actually relied on themselves and each other for food not simply jungle and forest, farming has been around much longer than technology and economic systems. Now they spend their lives making cheap crap in bad working conditions, a lot of crap that we're just going to use and throw away because it's crap, all that so they can make more crap for people to waste. The more the "money" moves around the more the operators and middle men can siphon off.

    Planned obsolescence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This is where much of our wealth comes from, from the blood sweat and tears of impoverished servants. I know it's a hard reality to look at but these people are real and they are suffering greatly.
    The Chinese' "work to death" attitude (PN China Blog - English)

    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson

    You and your labels, i'm not painting a picture, i'm trying to explain to you that there really is a such thing as poor people and they deserve better, they deserve a liveable share at least of the natural resources regardless of their level of participation in socioeconomic games. Why should those who have more success in the games be more entitled to the basics necessities of life than others? Shouldn't they just have more of the luxuries?

    I do tire of your personal attacks and extremist obfuscations but i'd love to hear your answer/justification for this question:
    Why do we expend so much time and energy creating pointless jobs when we could be localizing our economics and creating better stuff that lasts and working less?

    No the point is to lessen suffering and that is why i argue my point. And how would you know what good i do or don't do for people? I haven't repeated anybody's talking points but my own and the only things that i have made up here are a few ideas for the future..

    It's good that you recognize what the establishment does but that's not at all my deal. No vendetta here just a deep desire to see the people free from the tyranny of these megasystems and their operators who oppress us and horde our wealth.

    We have more than enough resources at least here in the states for every citizen to feed clothe and shelter themselves yet somehow there aren't enough jobs or stuff to go around. Hmmm?

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered" Thomas Jefferson

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY21h8UocrM]We The Sheeple Of Amerika (Payze Duez / Payday Monsanto) - YouTube[/ame]
  3. [quote name='"Mirvs"']I'm never as angry as I appear. I usually just respond after waking up, before bed, between classes or between jobs so I'm hyper busy. It is discouraging to constantly see new faces asking old questions, though.[/quote]

    because you tirelessly play the game to your fullest extent
  4. "A new study by Marcus Arvan, PhD appearing in the peer-reviewed research journal, Neuroethics, shows conservative value judgments on the death penalty, gay marriage, free markets, the right to go to war against UN resolutions, and detention of suspected terrorists without trial, to be related to three dark and anti-social personality traits: Machiavellianism (deception), narcissism (overinflated sense of self-worth), and psychopathy (absence of guilt or remorse). No significant relationships were found between these dark traits and liberal judgments on any moral issue."
    New Study: Conservative Value Judgments Tied to Antisocial Personality Traits

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2fTVnFeErw]Johnny Cash - Without Love - YouTube[/ame]

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