Pregnant Woman Blasted with Pepper Spray by SPD Says She Miscarried (Updated) | Slog I'm curious about you're thoughts on this, guys. Personally, I think it's horrible, but I don't believe she should've gone somewhere where physical conflicts have risen before. I understand she has a voice too, but if there's a chance harm could happen and you're pregnant, you shouldn't even risk it.
All I have to say is that the Occupy Wall Street movement has turned into a fiasco This lady should have realized that her pregnancy was a reason not to get overly involved in protests The movement has ultimately failed because of all the bad press
[quote name='"TexRx"'] The movement has ultimately failed because of all the bad press [/quote] Not at all it's been steadily growing, the press has been trying to downplay the movement ever since it started. I'm still curious to know where the bad press is coming from exactly. As for this miscarriage thing it's sad, but it's pretty irrelevant. The only thing at all that it has to do with the protest is that she was there, we wouldn't even be talking about this otherwise.
Bad press is all over. Tons of youtube vids of ows people looking retarded. I feel bad for the intelligent few who have an understanding of economics and are trying to get a coherent message out, but a lot of radical retards took it over. Don't think OWS is over, but it is kinda what happened to the Tea Party movement. Started out by a few socilally/economic conscious intelligent people and got taken over by the retards which are now the majority. Also that lady is a dipshit for attending a protest with a child. She knew that it was going to get rowdy. The cop is a prick, but she is a dumbass.
People have been attacked, beaten, mugged on a public transportation bus. Should people who are pregnant go on buses?
[quote name='"MSabre"'] People have been attacked, beaten, mugged on a public transportation bus. Should people who are pregnant go on buses?[/quote] Public buses dent have police in full riot gear fighting back violent protesters on them. She had no reason to be there
"I was standing in the middle of the crowd when the police started moving in," she says. I was screaming, 'I am pregnant, I am pregnant. Let me through. I am trying to get out.'" Translation: I was standing there ignoring the police while they told us to leave. Then I realized they were actually going to do something so I tried to scream until they let me go. [It didn't work] That's the thing about most of these cases of police violence at the Occupy protests. Cops generally don't just skid their cars to a sudden stop, hop out and start beating the fuck out of people for no reason. Usually these protestors have moved into illegal areas and refuse to leave when asked by the cops (blocking roads being the most common example).
Yeah that might be true, but regardless, she was screaming to inform police that she's pregnant, which was promptly ignored. So the officers indefinitely knew about her situation and still proceeded to use unnecessary force on her. I believe she stated that she "just wanted to get through" Do you have any idea how hard it is to move throughout a large crowd like that? Especially when pregnant? The officer who used force on her needs 25 to life. He killed another human, he should rightfully have a taste of his own justice. Don't you think the officer should have pulled her out of the crowd and perhaps directed her to safety instead of apprehending the victim in a forceful matter? A little care goes a long way...
She should have asked her doctor if he would recommend a protest as a daily part of her diet. I doubt he would have. Stupid IS, as Stupid Does.
Wow, that's about a gross misinterpretation of events and an oversimplification as I've ever seen. Pretty irrelevant? Gimme a fucking break - the woman LOST HER BABY due to the actions of someone who is supposed to PROTECT AND SERVE. The cops overstepped their boundaries and should be held accountable for their actions. It was a PEACEFUL protest, something that is guaranteed in the constitution of these United States. I hope she sues the shit out of them. And I'm sorry, but neg rep for being so callous.
[quote name='"Parable"'] Yeah that might be true, but regardless, she was screaming to inform police that she's pregnant, which was promptly ignored. So the officers indefinitely knew about her situation and still proceeded to use unnecessary force on her. I believe she stated that she "just wanted to get through" Do you have any idea how hard it is to move throughout a large crowd like that? Especially when pregnant? The officer who used force on her needs 25 to life. He killed another human, he should rightfully have a taste of his own justice. Don't you think the officer should have pulled her out of the crowd and perhaps directed her to safety instead of apprehending the victim in a forceful matter? A little care goes a long way...[/quote] Just be aware that its a big assumption that the police heard this one woman while a whole crowd of people is screaming yelling and chanting. Especially if they weren't looking for someone who needed saving. I'm not saying I disagree with your overall point, but you saying she was PROMPTLY ignored seemed more like it was just to prove a point. Idk maybe I read it in the wrong tone.
are you kidding me? you think the lady thought she was going to get hosssed down with pepper spray? and bad press is cause the press is controlled by corporations who are in bed with the govenment
Peaceful protest? I've heard of people getting sexually assaulted and mugged at OWS. If I was a police officer trying to control a crowd of people, who are being loud, I wouldn't consider that "peaceful protest", and I would have little patience. Feel free to give me bad rep.
I can't believe y'all actually think cops would beat and mace a pregnant woman on purpose. Do yall think they are really that shitty? Give them some credit. They are people too
I don't blame the cops, because they have a super hard job and we give them the power to do that job. However, they are used to situations where they are dealing with criminals who could be out to hurt them at any point. They have to be ready to act at any moment. Now they are being sent to deal with a crowd of protesting citizens, a majority of who are peaceful. There are always bad seeds though, so when the time comes to act they deal with citizens as they would a criminal. They try to use "nonlethal" force, but come on Ive seen videos where they throw flash bombs AT people. That very well could be lethal and in the case of the pregnant lady, was lethal. I dunno some action should be taken somewhere, but who is really to blame?
[quote name='"mushroomsatsuji"']I can't believe y'all actually think cops would beat and mace a pregnant woman on purpose. Do yall think they are really that shitty? Give them some credit. They are people too[/quote] According to some of these opinions they might have even beaten her BECAUSE she was pregnant.