OC question...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by mcgrblunts, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. Just copped a 30 milligram OC, wondering what the best method of ingestion would be? I'm probably just going to chew it to break the time release and then swallow with water...but some have told me blowing is better?

    What do you guys think gets the most bang for your buck?
  2. #2 Jdahms, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2009
    crush it up into powder and swallow 20 mg and blow down 10 mg.

    at least thats what Id do

    swallowing the powder always gives me the best buzz
  3. More will hit you if you take it orally, but it will hit harder and faster if you snort it.

  4. If you crush it up into powder it hits you just as fast imo. I can feel it affecting me a minute or less after swallowing the powder.
  5. Thanks guys, one more question about potentiation....

    I jsut wanna know what you guys use to potentiate and how well it works...ive heard grapefruit juice works wonders for everything except codeine.
  6. honestly tramadol (SP, kinda high) makes my high a lot better
  7. "Taking 1 pill of any of the following med 30 mins before an Opiate will make the high stronger:
    -Dramamine (this is dimenhydrinate, and it is used for motion-sickness)
    -Benadryl (this is diphenhydramine, and it is used against allergies)
    -OTC sleeping pills that contains either Promethazine or Doxylamine (I don't know the brand names)"
  8. well the best way to get the most "bang for your buck" is to put tjat bi tch in a rynge and slam it up
  9. If you're feeling brave you could try rectal administration. Kinda gross but works hella good. It comes on as fast as snorting (without damaging your nose), but also lasts as long as taking it orally. Probably the next best thing to slamming it, but I would NEVER touch the needle so I don't know how that is.


  10. True dat (not that I've been there). But if you're not that hardcore just lick/peel off the outer wax coating, (the colored part - brown if it's an OxyContin) crush that bitch up and stick it up your nose. I've also heard plugging opiates works well (up the bum) but you'd need to remove the wax coating to do this as well.
  11. I snort them unless it's an 80, then I eat it.

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