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obtaining weed on vacation(LA)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zilla!, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Hey guys, my family decided to go to LA to visit my sister who has just recently moved there. Obviously, i'm going to need to smoke while i'm there. Anyone have any tips on obtaining some bud?
  2. #2 Stoopid Toker, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    go to a few gas stations till you see a sketchy looking black guy, or wander around till you see a rasta looking guy (marley shirt, dreads, phish shirt, grateful dead shirt, maybe some sunglasses or a long board).

    Or you can ask homeless people. If they can get crack, they can get weed.

    Just use your stereotypes man, generalizations generally work, hence the name.

    be careful though

    EDIT: are you talking about louisiana or Los Angeles? If its LA, walk around till you smell it, then follow the smell.

    If is louisiana, gtfo cause its hurricane season
  3. Well, they have dispensaries in LA.... depending on how long youre staying you could try to get a card, or just get all sketchy and wait outside one for a client to make a pickup and ask to buy some.

    if your sister smoked and knew a few people in town it would be a whole lot easier though
  4. Considering he is visiting his sister with his family, I highly doubt he will be around long enough to get a card...... :rolleyes:

    Try skate parks man. They are a pretty reliable source. Just be friendly!
  5. ah missed the family part, my bad.
  6. Venice beach. Buy yourself a nice piece at the first headshop you encounter and then carry it around and smile at guys with backpacks. Take you ten minutes tops.
  7. yeah i'll only be there a few days so getting a card is kind of out of the question lol. I figured i'd just be looking for the usual stereotype.

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