Observation. (Dont Get Offended.)

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Stoned Fox, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. women use feelings not logic.

  2. Ever heard of the saying "love is blind"?
  3. women can be very maternal and i'm definitely guilty of having that feeling where i can change a guy for the better because "we're in love." hopefully it's only stupid women make that mistake continually, we live and we learn.
  4. I didn't understand it and I thought that women were dumb for loving a guy who treated them like shit until the last guy I was seeing.

    They also say that hindsight is 20/20. I wish I would have just walked away from the very beginning and I am by no means a regretful person.
  5. Dumbassery isn't sexist. I've seen plenty of guys do this for loser girls. I don't really stress about it. If they get fucked in the end, its hey, I told you so.
    Sorry your friend is a dumbass. But then again, most people are when it comes to the other sex.
    Probably most logical thing mentioned.
    I understand making a mistake when someone doesn't see it coming, because it's both a mistake and an accident. But when the warning signs are there, and there are people trying to prevent someone from getting hurt, it's no longer a mistake, because it could have been prevented beforehand.
  7. #27 tihanachu, Jun 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2013
    i definitely agree with you about this very complicated situation. not everyone will listen to you when you warn them though, at least not the first few times, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. there are so many factors that come into play with something like this though, maybe this person wants to prove everyone else wrong, or they feel they can trust the guy they want to be with because of things said behind closed doors. if someone feels connected with a person they more than likely will trust them over anyone else.
    the mistake i was talking about is thinking they can change the guy. some people have to learn the hard way and others happen to witness it and end up learning through their experience.
  8. right...and guys don't do the same exact thing?
    i hate how everyone makes things into a girl vs guy thing here.  we all want to be close with somebody and sometimes you want it so bad that you ignore the people who are trying to look out for you. 
  9. The tears make the sandwich extra tasty. 
  10. Very true sir, ha.
  11. The difference between guys and girls is that guys just want sex 24/7 so its not a big deal most of the time when they get involved with "loser girls". When girls do the same thing, they often look for more than sex, which is why they usually end up hurt. Its the simple truth, with exceptions of course.
  12. If she wants more than sex with the guy, she's worse off than I thought. Actually, a little saddening.
  13. I don't think it's a girl thing, it's a human thing. If you tell someone they're forbidden from doing or having something or that it's difficult and no one else has ever been able to solve this thing, people get intrigued. It's part of the reason why prohibition doesn't work, demonize something and make it THAT appealing and no one can resist.
    With so many people telling her this guy's no good, this guy's a prick etc etc, imagine the praise she'll earn if she ends up being the one to figure him out. Imagine how good she'd feel about herself! 
  14. Women don't like to be wrong at all, like oh my god after you admit you are wrong you feel better, or at least I do, but some girls I know are just like so hard headed and if clearly you are meant to go that way they will go the other way just because she doesn't want to admit wrongness haha and even after they won't even say oh my bad, cuz it's really not even a big deal in the first place, but oh well, women will never learn. Don't get me wrong i love women!!!

  15. It's not just girls. But guys as well. But I can agree as to what you're getting at. Most girls won't admit that they're wrong.
  16. #36 rain dancer, Oct 3, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
    IMO its because of want.

    Logic, sense, worth, risk, reward, and loss go out the window with want. People get tunnel vision. Don't feel sorry for people who have tunnel vision. I believe they completely deserve the car wreck that is the result of the inability to function logically and make choices that benefit them.

    Like one poster said, "it's worth the risk." depending on the circumstances. For the average cum bucket slut opening her legs to fuck is no different than openeing her legs to pee. She does not respect herself, sex, or the animal breeding her. She is just happy to be the trashcan for the trash.

    But if there are chldren involved, and there often are, then the kids experience the same usery, loss, and abuse their mother chooses to endure for want.

    Some people are just stupid. There are endless wise quotes to warn against stupid but simply put, stupid is as stupid does. Judge people by their latest actions and not the words they hide behind. You can lead a horse to water.....

    Why waste your time trying to warn others? Let others learn at their own pace. Those who want knowledge seek it. Perhaps being used like a trashcan is their method of "learning." ????
  17. im glad im a bitter single, i can just smirk and say i told you so
  18. Isn't it the same as when we warn friends (etc.) to think with their big head and not their little head?
    Women aren't the only part of this species that act that way. :smoke:
  19. Yeah, no doubt. I don't necessarily pin-point on a specific gender. Just notice women doing it more often.
  20. I think in some cases it's less that she thinks she can make it work and more that she's suspicious that the advice isn't genuine.  When a guy warns a girl about another dude she probably thinks he is just trying to make himself look better to get some.  So many people still evaluate each other based on stereotyped notions instead of their true feelings about another person.

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