Observation about Time

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by ThePhantom, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. oh well. Pretty cool stuff though huh?
  2. NRE stands for Nuclear and Radiological Engineering, thats why i was a little skeptical that nuclear decay has been proven wrong
  3. Zenos paradox is abstract theory. Abstract theory is not proof of any kind, it is little more than abstract theory.

    Where have you seen time dilation occur? In what scientific study has it actually happened, that machinery programmed to "normal" time starts behaving differently when time is dilated?

    There is no proof.

    "Of course time exists" is a copout in itself, it is no argument. Just because something has been assumed to always exist, even by top scientists, doesn't make it real. So far everything to do with time is theory and mathematics and measurement of relativity - time itself has never been shown to exist evidently on its own.
  4. Read the book I referred to then tell me there is no such thing as time. He explains it in layman accessible terms far better than I can.
  5. I dont care for any book or explanation. I want to know if time has ever been concretely proved to be a dimension - has any scientific study successfully traveled in time, slowed time down such that an electronic machine pre-programmed to normal time started slowing down or speeding up due to a scientific experiment.

    Everything apart from evidence is theory when it comes to science. Theres no proof that time doesn't exist alright, theres no concrete proof outside of musings and theories that it exists either.
  6. Measurements of time have indeed been shown to 'travel' in that they match the referential frames of Einstein's theories. Time moves at different rates in frames of reference moving at different relative velocities. That has been measured and verified.

    Of course, since you don't want to read the actual scientific explainations, the math behind them, nor the experimental evidence, then we can't really have a cogent discussion on it. "I don't care for any book or explaination" indeed.
  7. Relativity being measured in reference to relativity theories. Not evidence of time on its own. Just cumulation and interconnection of math theory. It is not absolute evidence, it is perfectly possible that all math surrounding "time" is an entirely illusionary world created by various theories interconnecting and giving the appearance of solidity.

    Unless time is shown to exist in absolute terms in relation to an absolute reality, there is no real evidence that it exists or doesn't exist.

  8. May I specifically cite my source?: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-08/epfd-ltt081905.php

  9. The two classical examples of time dilation are with clocks on airplanes. Where some scientists put a bunch of clocks on different airplanes and let them travel across the world. When they collected the clocks they all read different times

    another is with mesons (i believe) we know they are in our atmosphere and we have documented their half-lives, and none should reach the earth...but many of them do!
    So lets say its half life is 1 second. I am standing on the ground and i time an individual particle as it falls, stop watch reads 5 seconds (wtf, this thing is only supposed to live for 1 second?)
    So while i was doing this, imagine you go up in the atmosphere find the particle and fall simultaneosuly with it at near light speed. U start a stop watch at the beginning of ur decent and as u near the ground we see the particle decay, u hit the stopwatch and it would probably read 1 second.
    So im standing there and see you fall for 5 seconds, you land and you would believe you only fell for 1 second

    those are both well documented real life scenarios in which we see time being manipulated
  10. Were these electronic clocks?
  11. I believe this is because time is a continuum, and that moments seem inexplicably short in retrospect because there are only artificial measurements for the indivisible object that is time. These artificial constraints bear almost no meaning in intellectual reflection because time is conceptually indivisible.

  12. if there really is no time without motion that would mean if the earth spun differently in anyway or if it didnt even spin at all then time would be different. what if just how the earth revlolves around the sun then the sun and all other matter that we can see out in space must be revolving around something else or is everything just floating around in any direction?
  13. We revolve around Sun, Sun revolves around the center of our galaxy. Also, space is expanding, and everything is getting farther and farther away from each other, so kind of floating, but not really.
  14. Does time affect different animals differently? Or is it just perceived differently? Or both because of physical makeup?
  15. I'm really no expert on this subject but I'll try to defend myself here;

    • There is motion in all the little atoms that make up all that exists. They've all got that jiggle jiggle wobble wobble going on, some more than others. But they're all here one moment and then a little bit to one side or another the next. Basically... of course its all a lot more intricate than this but the point is there.

    • Sure, you could maybe make a perfect vacuum that has no little atoms bumping and grinding with each other, but that little vacuum would be enclosed inside a larger system that did have motion and 'time'.

    • If you removed all the little moving particles, you would be left with completely empty space and nothing to measure time and nobody to care.
  16. I like you AfricanTapWater, your comments have been "trippy" to say the least. I liked what you said about the infinitely small intervals as well.
  17. Time is nothing but a man made equation.

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