Obama's DEA nominee.. ?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Phamas, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Anyone know more about this woman?
  2. Shes been part of the DEA for a while and since the Bush administration, she has been in line of getting promoted as administrator. In other words, if Bush nominated her, she is most likely VERY anti-legalization. Honestly, anyone head of the DEA will never be for legalization as all it will mean less money for the department so yeah....this isn't about protecting us, but just about more money for them.
  3. OMG - I cannot believe he chose her, what an idiot. He had the opportunity to shake things up there, and he failed miserably.

    Another 3 years of status quo. Great
  4. Guess that sums it up then, she sucks and we won't be seeing any "change" in policy there..

    Sometimes I begin to wonder why I bought into all the Obama hype, all it's been is all talk very little action...
  5. Am I the only one not suprised obama would put an die hard DEA anti MJ person in charge of the DEA?

  6. I still can't figure why some of you still think Barry was on our side on this issue. Because he used to poke smot? please... W used to snort lines. Wishful thinking at it's best, friends. If you voted for him thinking he would support legalization, you wasted your vote. politics & greed... he's no different.
  7. Is it even legal to ignore that?
  8. Who do you expect the president to assign as head of DEA, a pot activist? It is the drug enforcement admin...The problem is the agency, not who runs it.
  9. Which means this has nothing to do with the progress of legalization.
  10. Except that it does. The more the hinder medical studies, the less states want medical marijuana. And the less states that have MMJ, the less states see the benefits. The less benefits, the weaker the movement. This is very much important.
  11. I can't see how you can say that... this is has a lot to do with it.

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