Obama to reverse Executive Orders

Discussion in 'Politics' started by aaronman, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. #1 aaronman, Nov 10, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2008

    When Clinton got into office he reversed the Mexico City Policy, which is regarding abortion. Then Bush reversed it again. Obama will probably reverse it again.

    Obama is talking about removing the federal funding cap for stem cell research.

    It appears to be a ploy to feed the voters what they want, reverse a largely irrelevant executive order having to do with social policy and ignore the more nefarious ones passed by Bush.

    What executive orders of Bush's would you like Obama to reverse?
  2. how bout destroy everything, there is just too much executive order..

    u should just keep things simple.
  3. Ploy? Stem cell research isn't a joke issue. The fact that the Bush administration halted federal funding for it is appaling and I am personally glad we will be back on the track toward scientific advancement.
  4. They didn't halt federal funding for it, they curbed it. Here's Bush's position.

    But it isn't really a pressing issue, it is just another pro-life/pro-choice social issue debate. When our federal budget is already too big, do we really need to give the executive branch more spending powers? I see it as just continuing the endless power struggle between the left and right over the executive.

    I think stem cell research is fine, I just don't think we should force people that don't support embryonic stem cell research to pay for it. If a state population wants to vote for funding it, go for it.
  5. Key word there is EXISTING embyronic stem cell lines. Which were basically useless less than a year after the white house issued this ingenious spending plan.

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