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Obama the socialist at it again!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CREAM, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. #1 CREAM, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2009

    Now he wants to go and halve the deficit? Wow. This country is just falling apart by the wayside.


    And then he wants to increase taxes for my family's tax bracket! Thanks for spreading the wealth around.

    I have an idea, don't worry about the deficit. It is just a PR headline that has no relevance to the economy. Instead, up the war funding, keep the upper class tax brackets the same(maybe lessen them if possible?), and just increase the middle class and lower class taxes. Now that's a plan I can jump on board with.

    This man just doesn't know a good thing when he sees it, and the deficit that Bush helped facilitate is just one of them.

    EDIT: My fucking lord people. Since a few people on this board can't seem to understand a literary form as simple as satire...let me again spell it out all nice and convenient for you? K? I WAS LAYING ON THE SARCASM. (For the majority in this thread that did recognize it...and have had my back...I appreciate it.)

    My explanation post from later in the thread:
    The title and post was in fact satire and jest.

    I'm kinda shocked I was taken so seriously on this one, I thought I laid the sarcasm on pretty thick.

    I am not an Obama fanboy actually. Had a strong 3rd party candidate been on the ballot (fuck Bob Barr) I would've voted 3rd party. Just because I voted for the guy doesn't mean I'm a fanboy. Right? I would certainly hope that I'm allowed to vote for the guy without being lassoed in with the faction of supporters who literally think he is Jesus. Right?

    Just because I don't agree with conservative politics and how both sides do nothing but just smear each other, doesn't mean I'm an Obama fanatic.

    Matter of factly, my post was to joke about how both sides do just that, they basically just smear each other no matter what happens. Conservatives and Liberals alike. I just find it ridiculous that the die-hards in each party not only just tow the line on every issue, but also find it entirely possible for conservatives or liberals to be the downfall of the earth. It is annoying, dramatic, short-sighted and ridiculous. Yes, I had that mindset in high school, but that attitude should be something that you would hope adults grow out of. Oh well.

    You know the Trey Parker/Matt Stone quote: "Well we hate conservatives, but we really hate liberals"?

    Well I'd say my viewpoint is similar except I consider democrats "the lesser of two evils" if you will.

    But back on topic, quite frankly if Obama can cut the deficit in half, great. But lets see it. I'm not sure he can pull it off, but if he can, I'm more than willing to see if he can make it work; or is that not fanboy-ish enough?
  2. Wow, wants to reduce the deficits. Bold move, Obama.

  3. yea socialist hehe
  4. #4 bkadoctaj, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    I can't wait to see America fall.

    If She had only stood for love, it would have been enough.
    She wouldn't have to hide her shame.
    If She had only stood for love, it would have been enough.
    Now we all burn in her flames.
    - Thievery Corporation
  5. My thoughts are that you are either nuts or have no idea what you are talking about. For instance, what does war funding have to do with the economy? Why would I care about a bunch of spoiled rich ass-holes while some of my friends have been laid off and can barely pay their bills for small houses and apartments. And why wouldn't you want to pay back the defecit? I hope you were being sarcastic.
  6. I agree with everything except why are all "rich" people assumed spoiled?
  7. LOL Obama Haters LOL!!! I didnt see you guys complain when George Bush laid the foundation for what we now call a failing economy... Obama didnt create this problem but I would pay to see the looks on your (the haters) faces when he gets us out of it lol:cool:
  8. George Bush sucked, i never argued that point. This aint a right vs left issue. If anything this assholes acting just like George Bush.

  9. two wrongs don't make a right.
  10. #10 Sam_Spade, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2009
    Why is socialism such a pejorative word in the United States? It works out great for a lot of other countries.

    You do know that the United States makes use of a number of deeply socialist programs?

    I'm curious -- what is a better way to handle America's massive federal deficit? Just leave it and hope it goes away on it's own? I mean, I hear a lot of reasons why it's bad, but I don't hear any "let's try this instead..."
  11. Yeah socialism isnt necessarily a bad thing... I think balance is key...

    But what you mean an increase in your familys tax bracket? Arent the only people who are getting increases is familys with over 250K a year?? If this is the case your complaining about higher taxes? Try living on the measily 32k my family is and lets see you complain then :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the title and OP satire? I figured Cream is an Obama fanboy. :confused:
  13. #13 MnToker, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2009
    ahh the fucking ability for everybody to blame somebody else.

    Go get elected president if you don't like it or fucking leave the country and quit fucking crying about shit.

    edit: and you dumb cunts who think G bush laid the foundation for this failure? Wow go read a book instead of only watching the news which is 90% misleading cock gobble bull anyways.
  14. tell your parents that they had the opportunity to go to college, get ahead, start a buisness, all of those things. but they sat on their ass and let the opportunitys pass them by, the only people they have to blame for their predicament is themselves, don't bring the rest of us down with you
  15. Not everybody can a doctor, lawyer, whatever - somebody has to clean up shit. The person cleaning up shit makes less money but it has to be done.

    - Maybe we should switch to communism? No... :rolleyes:
  16. not to mention the democrats controlled congress, and bush had liberal economic policies, so, it was these liberal policies that got us into this numb nuts, do you ever watch the news, or do you know how this country is run, the president can't do shit himself economically, he needs to wait for a bill to hit his desk, and suprise suprise, the group sending him those bills were a majority liberal.
    so yeah, lets elect an even more extreme version of bush economically, we had the stimulus last year, that was a bush policy, the liberals are now just expanding it, change my ass.
  17. #17 CREAM, Feb 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2009
    The title and post was in fact satire and jest.

    I'm kinda shocked I was taken so seriously on this one, I thought I laid the sarcasm on pretty thick.

    I am not an Obama fanboy actually. Had a strong 3rd party candidate been on the ballot (fuck Bob Barr) I would've voted 3rd party. Just because I voted for the guy doesn't mean I'm a fanboy. Right? I would certainly hope that I'm allowed to vote for the guy without being lassoed in with the faction of supporters who literally think he is Jesus. Right?

    Just because I don't agree with conservative politics and how both sides do nothing but just smear each other, doesn't mean I'm an Obama fanatic.

    Matter of factly, my post was to joke about how both sides do just that, they basically just smear each other no matter what happens. Conservatives and Liberals alike. I just find it ridiculous that the die-hards in each party not only just tow the line on every issue, but also find it entirely possible for conservatives or liberals to be the downfall of the earth. It is annoying, dramatic, short-sighted and ridiculous. Yes, I had that mindset in high school, but that attitude should be something that you would hope adults grow out of. Oh well.

    You know the Trey Parker/Matt Stone quote: "Well we hate conservatives, but we really hate liberals"?

    Well I'd say my viewpoint is similar except I consider democrats "the lesser of two evils" if you will.

    But back on topic, quite frankly if Obama can cut the deficit in half, great. But lets see it. I'm not sure he can pull it off, but if he can, I'm more than willing to see if he can make it work; or is that not fanboy-ish enough? :confused:

  18. He might deflate a few numbers here and there.

    But America's running out of steam, just like the rest of the nation-states. :)

    Bye bye stupid national-statism.
  19. Ha Alan Keyes doesn't call Obama a socialist, but a communist [ame=""][/ame]

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