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Obama on illegal immigration - 2006

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SlowMo, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. #1 SlowMo, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
    From the President's 2006 book, Audacity of Hope", while trying to explain the increasing schism and tensions between blacks and illegals over the the illegals taking of much needed jobs - he actually says this:
    "Still, there's no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites
    about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border-a sense that
    what's happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before. Not all
    these fears are irrational. The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year
    is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of
    mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole-especially
    by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and

    Japan-it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put
    strains on an already overburdened safety net."
    He actually sounds like he has a clue but, believe it or not, in the same paragraph he relegates this concern to just another example of fearing what we don't understand...
    "Other fears of native-born Americans are disturbingly familiar,
    echoing the xenophobia once directed at Italians, Irish, and Slavs
    fresh off the boat-fears that Latinos are inherently too different, in culture and in
    temperament, to assimilate fully into the American way of life; fears that, with the
    demographic changes now taking place, Latinos will wrest control away from those

    accustomed to wielding political power."
    Say what!? Black concern over jobs being taken by the uncontrolled influx of Mexicans across the border is just another example of xenophobia??? That must've been his white genes talking. lol
    How about this, Barack? Maybe they're concerned about allowing tens of millions of foreigners to invade this nation and compete for available jobs. Maybe they realize more than you that seeking to establish policies that further encourage such illegal influx is contrary to the welfare of the non-rich American people - especially blue collar workers. 
    How the hell can unions and blacks and for that matter any blue collar workers ever support this man given his views on illegal immigration and border security? Most of all, how can they support such an ass-backwards, counterproductive political party??? Allowing Mexicans to continue to inject unskilled workers and worse into an already overburden system is hardly good for blacks, though I can see maybe why unions would lick their chops. Why haven't we heard Al Sharpton screaming about this aspect of his party's agenda?
    I realize Republicans and their party have their own particular methods for turning the proverbial stomach. I finally had to became an Independent when I got myself sufficiently deprogrammed from all Left-Right blather. But regardless of political perspectives, jobs are pretty fucking important since they dramatically enhance our abilities to obtain such basic human necessities as food, clothing, shelter, transportation, weed, and a decent mate. Letting an entire nation run roughshod over our borders and proposing policies that will allow it (and even encourage it) to continue are anything but "promoting the general welfare" of its citizens. This administration actually seeks to promote the general welfare of non-citizens at the expense of its poorer citizens and for the benefit of the rich people who hire them. And still, blacks and union workers just keep up the knee-jerk flipping of the same levers in the voting booths. It's kind of insane. 

  2. #2 yurigadaisukida, Nov 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2014
    Immigration is only a problem for socialists

    If one sticks to the natural laws of supply and demand, then one would realize that an influx of labor, causes an influx of consumption, and thus an increase in demand for production, and an.increase in producers.

    By taking our jobs, they increase both supply and demand, resulting in even more jobs

    If anything hurts the economy, its the hoarding of resources by a small minority, not an influx of producers and consumers

    Or to put this more simply, immigration increases both production AND consumption and therefore should have no effect on the economy (except to make it "bigger")

    Which is ironic because the Republican party is anti immigration. Makes no fucking sense

  3. The Republican party is anti-illegal immigration, not legal immigration.  Since so many Dems confuse the terms I must question their honesty because I know they can't all be that ignorant.  When a conservative like you confuse them I don't know what the hell it means.
  4. The harm on the economy is done when the hoarded resources prop up unproductive assets. Investing in production efficiency leads to higher learning curves and a temporary displacement of the workforce. The overburdening of the "safety net" has been a process long in the making. If 1960s Detroit wasn't a large enough indicator then, then I'll choose to share crop for the sake of blind selfishness.
    At this point, being concerned about illegal participation in the labor-force is an irrational fear. The fear serves to radically miss the point that in a globalized world, those wages are being competed for regardless of immigration and subjugated privileges. Those seeking to avoid being marginalized by the safety net's debt monetization will reinvest in themselves to upgrade skills in order to tango with innovations.
    If I were an American going south <span>and encountered a Mexican going north, I would urge him that, </span>
    <span>"de la direccion est malo , manojo de los déspotas de alla, no hay duda el senor!"</span>

  5. who knew bill clinton was such a racist?
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Corporate controlled government will do nothing to harm the large (read cheap) labor pool in this country.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. UN*skilled labor pool.. keyword.

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