Obama Litmus Test For Military Leaders: They Must Be Willing to Fire On US Citizens

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AirKuhl, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. There are also a ton of people who hate Obama and still voted for him as the lesser of two evils because Romney scares the shit out of them. They dont look favorably on him at all but are so brainwashed by the Republicrat paradigm that they went, begrudgingly, back to Obama.
  2. There are many many conservatives who saw Romney for what he was... a liberal, and didn't vote for him but would never vote for Obama.
  3. Yeah this is sad. The 2 party system is ruining the nation because they have become too big and powerful. We need the Libertarians, Greens, and Constitutionalists, etc.. to gain equal footing and balance out the power.
  4. He certainly was not supported by 90% of the people. Minh declared his soldiers to fire on any citizen in his way, and to take everything in their path, including my family's house and life savings.
    Minh's first consolidated his powers in the north, and his instructions were to murder any farmers or anyone in his way, in a soviet-style 'land reform'.
    His political protestors were murdered in the thousands, evident of his communist attitude of building an empire with the blood of his countrymen.
    His nationalism brought an end to french and japan rule, but devastated a peaceful Vietnam.
    0bama is taking away civil liberties, such as the act to detain anyone without trial.. They are not similar in other ways however, because 0bama is a puppet after all, and Minh was an activist dictator. however, they both have support from their side, no matter what idiotic acts or laws they create. They both speak with a silver tongue, and planning for civil unrest. They both have their small militia (Vietnam revolution youth league and Obama youth brigades). && they both promised change..Obama is in many ways, like Ho Chi Minh.

    In a speech made at La Raza, 0bama admits to wanting to run the country his way; and that its easier to bypass congress and run things himself. The crowd cheers as he 'jokes' on being a dictator. That rally was anti-American, but was never covered by mainstream media.
  5. Hate to break it to you, but Romney wasn't a liberal....well except when he had to be. He was whatever the people around him wanted him to be. He's a chameleon without an actual set philosophy. At least that's how I saw him. He's certainly not just a liberal. I doubt you'll find any liberals willing to claim that man. lol

  6. Both parties are practically the same. They both support big government in their won ways. Now you can call these people Neocons, Neoliberals, fascists or whatever. The sheeple on both sides hate each other sure but that doesn't change the fact the two parties ideologies are practically the same. Romney was the designer of Obamacare, he was for increasing government spending by 2 trillion dollars!!! He is for the Patriot Act, the NDAA, he is anti second Amendment and every other assault against liberty just like Obama.
  7. #67 RippedMonk, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
    You need to do some more research on Ho Chi Minh. The Vietnamese people overwhelmingly supported him. The US got involved put a very small minority in power in the south. The ability for the government to detain someone without trial wasn't pushed through by Obama, not in the least. That change came from the previous neocon president, Bush. Claiming they are the same because they both have support from their side is like saying a dog and a cat are the same because they both have fur. Most good politicians do have a "silver tongue" that's how they get into power. The civil unrest was there long before Obama took office and didn't get out of hand in Vietnam until the US invaded. Obama youth brigades...WTF?!?!:confused: He still is in no way like Ho Chi Minh, you are grasping for straws here man. Please share your source for his dictator comments. Without a source, that last paragraph is not valid.
  8. Both parties being practically the same does not mean liberalism and conservatism are the same. Liberalism is not the same thing as the democratic party and conservatism is not the same as the republican party. You said Romney is a liberal, he's not. He just passed some laws and has a few stances that liberals can accept, but that doesn't make him liberal.
  9. Here let me try and explain with a picture.


    And if you want to try and defend liberalism and conservatism as separate ideologies, your talking to the wrong person your all just statists to me.
  10. That meme is full of misinformation. Obama took no gun stance when running for office, neither did Romney. They pretty much left it out of the discussion whent hey were campaigning. Every president for nearly a hundred years has given money to foreign dictators. I don't believe either one of them supported bank bailouts, it was something done out of necessity to avoid collapse. I don't think I need to go on. It isn't totally wrong, but it isn't factual either. Just propaganda. I try to avoid such bullshit, it conflicts with critical thinking.

  11. First sentence is incredibly dumb so we just forget all their past political statements outside of campaigning?
    Ok you have got to be kidding me, your entire argument is LOGICAL FALLACY, specifically Appeal to tradition. Just because another President did it does not make it acceptable or the right thing to do.

    I really don't have time right now to go over every single point. But the bailout part is just absolute propoganda. THe bailouts were a handout to Democrats and Republicans masters thats it. It was redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the 1%. We now know all of that fearmongering during that time was full of shit.

    You sir are a victim of brainwashing and statist cultism.
  12. #72 AirKuhl, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2013
    Well, we're obviously never going to see a law that says "let's use drones to fire on US citizens". It doesn't work that way.

    But the ability to use unmanned drones over US soil is a new right that Congress granted just last year to the Federal Government, Defense department and certain commercial companies.

    Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress - Washington Times

    So maybe it's a bit paranoid, but I can't help but see the ability to do certain things quietly being put into place. Whether they are ever done is a separate deal of course. Think of it as Congress passing a law saying that it's legal for police to shoot stoned people on sight, but don't worry because we'll not actually do that.

    Agreed, there's not that much difference between the parties any more.

    I just basically want to be left alone. Let me succeed or fail on my own terms. I'm not asking for help and I want to choose who and how I want to help others. Don't mess with me unless I try to hurt someone else in some way. Seems simple to me, but if you hold these beliefs you are called a libertarian moonbat, or a teabagger, or a PAULbot or a racist or some other derogatory term. It's a weird backwards world we live in.

  13. I will never forget the day Dr. Paul was booed in a room full of Christians for citing the "Golden Rule." I mean Jesus Christ fucktards he's quoting your precious book and you boo him? Give me a fucking brake.
  14. #74 M3ssenger, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2013
    His people supported him, but not the country as a whole. He was protested and demonstrated against, and left them all killed. You saying he was supported by 90% is misinformation. In fact, his soviet-style land reform genocides speaks for themselves.
    I had family all over Vietnam, north and south, and they all despise him for his mass genocides and thefts. He may have been loved and supported as 'uncle Ho' by his 'people' but anyone who really knew him and his outcome knows him as a fascist with a human face. And you never heard of obama's youth brigades? It was all over the news a few years ago. It is not unheard of to form a militia outside the military for safeguarding and other unmentionable deeds. I do believe 0bama is the next dictator, but again, he is just a puppet of this 'new world order'.

    And like I said, no mainstream news source gave this any coverage, but independent ones did.

  15. The first sentence is dumb because it states the meme is full of misinformation? That statement is dumb? OK :rolleyes:

    The meme is about campaigning...we are talking about Romney and Obama here. Talks of gun control didn't come up until after the election so my statement is quite valid and truthful. I personally don't recall either candidate talking about gun control. Since you seem to know so much about logical fallacies, please tell me which fallacies they are.

    Your argument that I've appealed to tradition is also wrong. Your meme is pointing out the similarities between these two candidates and what they both have done, said, or supported that you see as wrong. My point in mentioning that every president has supported giving money to dictators is showing that these two men aren't exceptions. It's common US foreign policy to support dictators that support what we want in any given nation. This is a huge problem, but it's not something special to just these two guys. Kind of pointless bashing one or two men over something that is commonly supported by our military and past presidents. It makes them out to be exceptions, which most certainly is not the case. You see that's the problem I see with your posts and others like it. They're out to make Obama, Bush, Clinton, the US government in the past few decades, etc.. out to be evil over things that have been common for a very very long time. Makes much more sense to attack the policy than the men. Just attacking individuals looks like propaganda.

    Please share evidence, sources, etc.. that the bailout was all full of shit and just fearmongering. Personally, I haven't read anything from any economist that states it was all some ploy to steal money from Americans. They pretty much unanimously agree that the world would have gone into a depression without that bailout, which padded the pocketbooks of the banks, not the political parties.

    I am in no way a victim of any brainwashing or state cultism. I just know what I'm talking about and I don't believe you understand half the arguments you are making. It appears you are just sharing other's opinions and propaganda....example...the meme. :D
  16. #76 RippedMonk, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
    Yes, he was a sadistic asshole. Yes he killed his people, those who opposed him, etc.. Yes, he was heavily supported by his people, and seen by many as a hero because of his stand against the Japanese in WW2 and the French in the 1950's. I read that it is projected that 90% of the population supported him, of course this excludes those supporting the French/American agenda in the region. I don't understand how you can call him a fascist though. Fascism and communism are very different things.

    I've never heard of the Obama youth brigades. If such a thing existed I truly doubt Obama put them up to it. Your conspiracy theories are a bit far fetched. If Obama is a dictator then why have an election? A dictator has no power without military backing. Not sure if you knew this but most of our armed forces don't like him all that well. I won't even go into the NWO because it has even less validity than most other conspiracy theories. Life is too short to speculate on conspiracies with such little evidence and such insane leaders.

    I did not click the link because it's obviously not valid. I like to keep my computer virus free. I'm not saying all mainstream media is a credible source, but it doesn't take much to realize that link has no credibility.

    Edit: I clicked the link anyways and it locked up my computer. If it's valid it could be found elsewhere from more credible sources. We dont' have that much censorship on the internet. Find a new site if you want people to take it seriously.
  17. Lol nwo is a fake conspiracy? Get Microsoft essentials (free) or an antivirus program if your computer is locking up after a youtube link. If you need proof of the nwo, look at the video under 'bush senior new world order' and he literally says the new world order will be accomplished; there are many links to choose from, all unaltered. Google 'Obama dictatorship la Raza' please. Choose any google video or youtube video, they are not viruses. Wake up man. Anyone here can watch the video of Obama at la raza themselves, just search it, no need to rely on MY link, there's many others.

    Please open your eyes, especially if you think the nwo theory is less valid than a reptilian conspiracy theory. :laughing:

    We already know the elite are running things, and creating a world bank, downshifting the economy for profit, creating anti constitutional laws, like gun bans and unconstitutional detaining, etc. we are victims of the remaining Cold War.
  18. Also, if you'd ask people in the north, they would say they loved and respected him, but there is a reason they supported him. Like any communist dictator, they take away other beliefs and directions for the mass to believe in, telling them lies and self honorably patriotism, but it is like any communist trait, to deceive. And if you know how communism works, they control the masses to support them.
    They do not NEED to put a gun to your head and make you support him, you feed the people lies and hopes, and surround them with a common enemy. This in turned brainwashed his fellow followers.

    Again, isn't that what Hitler did? Brainwashing his people to support his cruel campaign?

    Obama is rallying his people for his views on 'change', just as Ho Chi Minh. They both wanted change. Now he gets cheered for joking on being a dictator? :cool:
  19. According to history or according to your idealistic view of the USA?

  20. Amazing how some folks like to distort the truth to the detriment of others. :p

    Now, I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books, but that doesn't mean I don't know very well the real pain and heartbreak that deportations cause. I share your concerns and I understand them. And I promise you, we are responding to your concerns and working every day to make sure we are enforcing flawed laws in the most humane and best possible way.

    Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. (Applause.) And believe me, right now dealing with Congress --

    AUDIENCE: Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can! Yes, you can!

    THE PRESIDENT: Believe me -- believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. (Laughter.) I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. (Laughter.) But that's not how -- that's not how our system works.

    AUDIENCE MEMBER: Change it!

    THE PRESIDENT: That's not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written.

    So let's be honest. I need a dance partner here -- and the floor is empty. (Laughter.)

    Five years ago, 23 Republican senators supported comprehensive immigration reform because they knew it was the right thing to do for the economy and it was the right thing to do for America. Today, they've walked away. Republicans helped write the DREAM Act because they knew it was the right thing to do for the country. Today, they've walked away. Last year, we passed the DREAM Act through the House only to see it blocked by Senate Republicans. It was heartbreaking to get so close and see politics get in the way, particularly because some of the folks who walked away had previously been sponsors of this.

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