Obama isn't listening

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Sheddingskin, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I just heard Obama's short answer to the war on drugs and he isn't listening at all. His solution is to try to lower the demand for drugs. But more and more people are smoking cannibis now and creating more demand. The demand is growing and we want change. Why can't he listen?
  2. The title of it wasn't "Convince the president" it was "Ask the president".

    I'm glad that at least he somewhat addressed the question this time. And he also had the balls to take a stance on it.

  3. he didnt really address it and we already knew his stance

    so we got nothing but garbage :wave:

  4. No, he has always made his stance on the subject a grayish area in the past. He's never been a full on supporter, but then again neither is he a DEA zealot.

    In past interviews he's either skirted the subject, laughed it off, or completely ignored it. Frankly, I'm much more comfortable when he comes out and says "I am not for legalization.". It lets me know who i don't need to re-elect next term.

    Please don't give me that wave emote shit, its so demeaning...
  5. I'm with Sickleg, I wasn't very happy with the fact that he ignored ALL of the questions regarding cannabis, but at least he answered with his stance on the subject.

    And seriously Phamas, the waving emoticon - you have it in like 80% of your posts. Stop the condescending bullshit, you're not better than anyone else, so get off your high and mighty knowledgeable-about-everything throne and go smoke a bowl.
  6. :wave:

    It's just a picture.

    Also, did anyone honestly expect a youtube poll to cause a dramatic change in his view on pot?

    He has access to the same information everyone else has, he knows the war on drugs is failing. If he supported legalization we would of known a long time ago.

  7. It's not the actual emoticon that's condescending, it's the way you use it. The way Phamas used it was in a sort of "Fuck you, I'm right you're wrong, goodbye" way.

    Also, we obviously knew he wasn't going to suddenly have a moment of clarity and decide to legalize all drugs but it would be nice if he had answered the most popular and the most pertinent questions on the YouTube channel, which all had to do with MARIJUANA & Drug Policy. Instead, he (almost) completely ignored the issue and decided to answer questions about his favorite classes, mathematicians, Super bowl crap and Valentine's day.

  8. You quoted me on your sig! Haha thanks bro.

    On to Obama. What do you expect really. It's really disappointing he didn't give a straight answer instead of just bullshitting us around. Can someone link me to a YouTube video of him answering it?
  9. He gave a generic politician answer, I gotta admit I too was hoping for something more but really, we all shouldve seen this answer coming.
  10. since when did they start listening?
  11. you all have to wait until he is reelected. He can't come out for legalization yet. If anything, it may become a 2012 campaign issue. I'm betting a big one as more states pass medical marijuana laws (even DC, though it isn't a state).
  12. RON PAUL!!! for president, his view on war of drugs makes sence.
  13. i'll shit out of my dick before obama is re-elected. he lost a lot of votes today. more importantly, gave votes away

  14. Lol fuck that this niqqa ain't getting re-elected. :cool:
  15. Obama's a puppet. Legalizing marijuana would ruin many current greedy businesses, and the government doesn't care about the well-being of mankind.

    But the more we ask, the more it shows how united we are.

  16. I highly doubt this YouTube event was that significant. It's why Obama said the issue needed "legitimate debating". The platform today wasn't that.

  17. he'll never have that legitimate debate
  18. I wish he could see how many votes he lost with this. That answer alone (or lack thereof) likely cost him his re-election in 2012.

    I certainly will make sure to get to the voting booths and vote for whoever the opposition is, and I will convince as many people as I can to do the same.
  19. Fuck man, I coulda swore phens and tryps would be allowed for research purposes only again, I must signed the wrong petition, fuckin glasses
  20. this is whats gonna happen, Obama was supposed to save us from bush with change we could all believe in. Now we know that he lied + had a billion dollar campaign to get elected. People will vote for the republican savior and the same thing will happen, except maybe not a billion dollar campaign. Dont vote for a republican, we already know how that worked under bush.

    Just watch, a republican is gonna win the 2012 elections. and he or she will break most of there promises just like the last 2 presidents. Then thats where the real awakening is gonna start. People will be so fed up with these feds, things will start to get a bit more violent.

    Sadly violence really is the only answer, i wish it wasnt but the banks and corporations that took over our country arent gonna just let some president change things.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO0-u900OG4"]YouTube - George Carlin - Conspiracy Theorists[/ame]

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