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Obama is President...What does this mean for MMJ?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by silkyjohnson, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. #1 silkyjohnson, Nov 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2008
    Now that Barack Obama is President of the United States, we move away from politics and focus on the issues.

    What are the implications for Medical Marijuana and decriminalization with Obama at the top?

    Discuss away!
  2. It means it will stay Illegal. I can't believe anyone thinks he will be different from any other politician besides Ron Paul. Obama was funded by the same corporations as McCain. He will exactly the same, except will probably be poorer. Trickle down does work. Watch and see, pot will remain illegal even though he declared it should be legalized in 2004, he flipped. People still think he will legalize after he said he wont. Watch and see what happens. Nothin but more shit.
  3. i want to have faith but i dont think anything will happen
  4. Hopefully he'll simply call off the DEA and let the States who want to have MMJ legal be legal. As long as he does that, I'll be happy.
  5. We all need to write to Barack congratulating him and encouraging him to LEGALIZE MARIJUANA!!!

  6. Co-sign.

  7. yea don't get your hopes up.
    it may have been (and very well was) just a front to get a more wide base of voters. if any candidate ever says 'yes, i would legalize mj' they're obviously going to get way more votes from us users of the drug.


    he could have said it very stealthly like he did so as just not to get bashed for it on tv over and over again - and will in the future (being our new pres) legalize it like he said he might.

    he DID inhale.
    so he knows how we feel.

    only time will tell.
  8. theres no legalization any time soon, but he is still a step in the right direction compared to McCain. MMJ will soon be throughout the country..and decriminalization will follow as well. smaler steps in the right direction are necesary to make bigger ones!
  9. Didnt he say he was going to end the drug war or something like that?

  10. Exactly dude!!! That's what I've been saying.
  11. I really don't think he will do to much for it. The president has a fair amount of power, yet he is still quite powerless. I can only hope, but Lynex is right..small steps in the small picture make big steps in the big picture.
  12. I think we have something to hope for. Legalization is a forbidden issue for politicians, but I think we can expect Obama to speak out against the DEA raids on medical marijuana dispensaries. Maybe he will charter a commission to study medical marijuana, and he'll definitely appoint some supreme court justices that may here a state's medical marijuana case. If we are extremely lucky, he'll create a commission to question our drug policies, specifically marijuana policies, and hopefully the commission finds (like Nixon's commission found) that marijuana prohibition does more harm than good. And then maybe congress will act on it.

    If anything I think we can celebrate John Walters' departure from the white house.
  13. no we gotta crawl before we can walk. Start with decriminialization then take a step up and go for full on leglization, well atleaste have it like it is in amsterdam with the cofee shops and all
  14. I agree bro... ur a genius. Im not being sarcastic
  15. Obama does have the power to make the DEA stop its raids in California, something Obama said he will do
  16. I think it will come down to the state governments. There are something like 12 states with medical MMJ laws and another couple of states currently working on legislation. Once that number gets closer to 20 I think the federal government will be forced to do something. Hopefully a good something.
  17. I heard that if at least 50% of states pass something such as medical marijuana than it has tobe a law for the whole united stated(government wise) so if this is true and at least 25 states get mmj then it will become a national thing and all DEA raids will stop.
    Can anyone help me if this is true or not?
  18. I voted for Obama, but I am sad to say that I don't believe he is going to help in the MJ legalization battle. His VP pick, Biden, pretty much solidified that fact.

    However, we have seen strides with two states changing their marijuana laws, if more states join this trend the federal government would be left with no choice but to either legalize or recognize the states rights on the issue.
  19. When Roe Vs. Wade was passed abortion was illegal in nearly every state. With that one supreme court decision the federal government overturned all of those state laws.

    Now I'm not saying Roe Vs. Wade was a bad thing, but it shows that the Federal government can do whatever they want.
  20. Yeah i guess they pretty much can do what they want i just heard that the government is suppose to go along with the majority of the states decisions.

    As far as obama goes i dont think he will really do much for mmj but at least there is hope unstead of with mccain. Obama is more leniant about it and i think if it came down to it for him to decide on it and do something about it he would. But like he has said it is not on the top of the list for things to do. So lets hope that he can get around to helping out the cause. The DEA is going against the constitution by breaking state laws they should be ashamed for working for the united sates government. Our country was set up with rules made by very smart individuals and know one has a right to change those rules i.e. the constitution.

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