Obama finally replied..

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by DaWood, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I wasn't satisfied.
  2. No matter what perspective you look at the government. 90% of it is trying to fuck you sideways while the other 10% sweet talks you into submission. Not in that particular order.
  3. you know what to do in 2012

    vote'm out!
  4. #5 psychedelicpipe, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    There's a couple other threads on this already, but yeah Obama's a puppet, he thinks people suffering from ill health effects and people being thrown in jail is funny, etc. I could go on.

    You lower demand by legalizing drugs and giving unbiased education on their effects, so that more people use safe drugs like cannabis, LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, things like that and not hard drugs like alcohol, nicotine, coke, meth, heroin or PCP.

    Look at how many kids who get coaxed by their pot dealers to try hard drugs to get "more high". Demand isn't going to be lowered for a plant that's been around longer than mankind, a plant that God himself made. Are you God Obama? Is the government God? No, false idols.
  5. I concur
  6. uhhh..the old "treat the addict" defense,not going to fly~
  7. Exactly.

    And the real irony there is Obama smokes like a chimney. No, not in public, but believe me in private? like...a...chimney.

    "When you think about other damaging activities in our society...smoking....drunk driving..."

    Yeah, how thick you wanna lay on the irony there, Barry? He'll probably die from smoking-related causes, yet corruption will keep a healthy alternative illegal.

  8. strange how while he was running he was all for legalization or at least decriminalization but when hes president hes all of the sudden against it.
  9. #10 jjsmit, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    ^Well was anyone that surprised.? Politics and history repeat themselves quite a lot. He's playing Pinocchio because he knows that cigarettes are more harmful to his health than the herb ever was.
  10. I agree with you on everything till the god stuff came up...
  11. Maybe Obama should check himself into rehab to get off that nicotine.

    And why's he say "smoking, and drunk driving" how about GETTING DRUNK, period. More or less as big a problem as the other 2 things he said.

    And all 3 of those clearly a bigger issue than the act of smoking weed itself.
  12. Really it all boils down to hemp. That is why cannabis is not legal and probably won't be for many years. If the tobacco plant had as many uses as hemp it would be outlawed tomorrow. Would the government say they were outlawing it to save corporate america. No they would say there doing it to protect the people. No matter how much you piss in the toilet bowl there is no hiding that giant turd. Hemp is the governments giant turd and all the bullshit lies are nothing more than piss.
  13. #14 psychedelicpipe, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Hey, suit yourself man.

    I believe in God, and I hate it how a lot of times there are people, Christians and non-Christians alike, that feel that if you're into these substances, that you're going against God or some crap like that. That either you're a Christian and don't smoke pot or do psychedelics, or you're a non-Christian that does. I hate that division.

    I'm not saying that you were saying that, but I'm saying that it was one of the things on my mind when I was posting. Plus, the whole ridiculousness of the government trying to play the role of God.
  14. #15 psychedelicpipe, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011

    Oh, and seriously, thanks for the reputation points and all of the likes because of this post. I really wasn't expecting it, I appreciate it and I thought I'd mention it. :)
  15. What Obama said was the equivalent of wrapping a big poop up in a box with really pretty wrapping paper and a big bow, and presenting it as a present as opposed to just crapping in your hand and then whipping it at someone.

    On the off topic of drugs and God there is a Christian church called the Daime church which drinks ayahuasca during their services every week. It's legal in the United States because it is religion, and the plants used to make Ayahuasca don't cure cancer that we know of.

  16. This. The government really has nothing against marijuana, and would love to make tons of money off of selling it with taxes.

    The government is controlled by lobbying interests that do not want hemp legalized because petro-chemical companies will lose tons of money.
  17. Did that man really just say we need to cut demand for illegal drugs?

  18. Don't forget that in order to become president you must play ball with the powers that run this country. The military industrial complex, big pharma, insurance industry, oil companies, and world banking interests to name just a few. I think Obama would love to bullshit us into re-electing him, thinking he will change his view in a second term...don't count on it...no way this guy wants to go down in history as promoting any sort of decrim or legalization of any drug. Don't get me wrong, i'm no Obama hater, I got both my sons to register to vote just to support him, along with my wife and many friends. I really felt the guy was a breath of fresh air after bush...oh well, better than Mcain and cutie pie. The only way to get weed decrimed is from the states and cities, you can see it working right now, and it will be like the snowball rolling down the hill, the bigger it gets the faster it rolls and the bigger it gets. We need to do all we can on local levels to open the eyes of politicians, that we can actually talk to face to face. It is up to each and everyone of us, represent yourselves as concerned citizens out for the common good, as we all are. Peace, jmick

  19. There's also some legal Christian churches in the U.S. that treat cannabis as a sacrament and use it as well. Unfortunately, I remember reading about a pastor of one of those churches being arrested. Somehow the government found a way to do it, but hopefully he's set free.

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