Obama? Discuss---

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dogseatfood, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I'm so ready for a change, even if nothing happens, can't we say say we tried?
    I'm just saying, that we've been trying the same tactic over and over, whatever happens, happens. If someone sets up an idea that could fix shit, I'm game.
  2. I personally think he only won because he is half black. That alone made blacks actually go out and vote...

    not being racist with this.
  3. Fully understandble, either way. I can't say his mentality is in the wrong. :/
  4. Personally I hate Obama.

    His change is the wrong change.
  5. Dude aint doing shit with the Country, if anything he's bringing us down. I also am not being a racist, but he only won because he is black :(
  6. These opinions are as vapid as old weed
  7. I'd still smoke old weed. "/
  8. Obama was elected because the American people vote on personality, and the people decided Obama's personality was best to ease us through whatever was and is going to happen, despite whoever's 'elected'.

    Change is whatever was happening before, only different.
  9. Obama = Same old shit, different day.

  10. If that were true, states like Alabama and Mississippi would always elect black leaders. Obama was seen as the more charismatic of the two candidates and McCain didn't help himself by saying that he wanted our military stuck in Iraq for years and years to come. That is the only reason why I didn't vote for him.
  11. No, he only won because he's half-white. That alone made whites actually get out and vote ;)

    "change" what? did you buy into that marketing campaign of vague positive platitudes? Obama is like 3 notches to the left of Bush.... I describe him a lot as Bush Lite.
  12. I feel like this attitude that the citizens' only job in a democracy is to walk to the ballot-box and cast a vote for one of the two major parties is a big part of what's wrong with this country. If we just sit there and let the system dictate our choices to us then the people who run this country have no accountability to the people.

    Take the war in Afghanistan. Who thinks we should be there? Show of hands? How many of the main party candidates were against the war in Afghanistan?

    The anti-war bloc didn't mobilize at all during the campaign, they just grumbled a bit and picked Obama, who at least wanted to wind down Iraq. The system gave us a Hobson's choice and like sheep we stayed within the parameters of the choices.

    Yeah, because black voters are such a staggering majority of this country, it's astonishing what they can accomplish if they just realize how much power they really have.

    Barack Obama was elected because he had a better marketing team, not because of his skin color, and it's a little sad that for a lot of people it really does come down to the color of his skin.
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  13. well he is right on track with agenda 21, he is furthering his agenda more and more by the war on terror and phony environmentalism
  14. I saw a bumper sticker a month ago that said "Is this the change you wanted to see?" Obviously it's not, because our government doesn't work anymore, they just convince you that it does and you try again. Americans are so familiar with disappointment they take it as progress. "Well, this guy isn't AS bad as the guy before him." If every administration only takes ONE step in the wrong direction, you're still walking backwards, just slow enough that you don't worry to look behind you to see the cliffs you're headed towards.

  15. /thread

  16. You don't think skin color was part of his marketing campaign? Every race card pulled was a ploy.

    How about this line:

    “Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know, ‘he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name,' you know, ‘he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.'”
  17. OBAMA= One Big Ass Mistake America
  18. Where did that quote come from?
  19. #19 TheDankery, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    edit: it came from Obama ^, in a speech in Springfield, Missouri (is that where The Simpsons live?)

    He made identical remarks in speeches a couple days after that.

    Obama's skin pigmentation definitely had something to do with his advertising/marketing campaign.

    There was a sense of "we're making history" with his election; which is great and all but isn't every election "historic", anyway?
    Next presidential election cycle, I'm sure the candidates will be clamoring to come up with slogans as catchy and iconic as "CHANGE we can believe in" and "HOPE"; etc.

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