Obama Asks for $1.2 Trillion Debt-Limit Increase

Discussion in 'Politics' started by noviceGrower420, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. Didn't we like, just do this?
  2. If any normal citizen bounced as many checks as our gov does....well they'd be fucked
  3. recall troupes, raise dept ceiling...makes sense...GO DC!

    praise our overlords for spending our great great great great grandkids money!

    lets hear it for DC!
  4. Sort of on topic but why is it that any time a government shutdown is threatened, we're told that all non-essential personnel will be out of work. If they're not essential, why the hell do they have jobs in the first place?
  5. Haha leave it to Obama can't shit right the first time..... Or the second, wait not even the third.... Let's dump this loser
  6. he be so ignant. mmmmhmmm gurls u know it b tru
  7. What a fucking brilliant idea!:rolleyes:
  8. Its funny hank moody and other libs avoid posting in these threads.
  9. wait, he wants all this money, then to shrink government, but increase our presence in the east pacific?

  10. Obama wants 1.2 trillion debt limit increase? ..... Didn't we just have this fiasco in August? ... Washington really needs to put the crack pipe down, yo.
  11. Haha hank moody pops by once and a while to spur some dribble to frustrate the rest of us

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