That's right, according to the article, Pepsi Cola teamed up with Senomyx to produce flavor chemicals, a company, that was discovered by a Pro-Life group, that uses aborted fetus cells in it's products and testing. A boycott of Pepsi was announced shortly after the discovery, meanwhile Senomyx declines to comment, but Obama gives Pepsi the green light to continue. I don't drink much cola but thank god I switched to Coke for all my cola needs years ago. Obama Agency Rules Pepsi's Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Soft Drinks Constitutes 'Ordinary Business Operations' - International Business Times
Hey, don't want that? Don't drink. Simple as that. So many other healthy alternatives. I barely drink Soda anymore. Really, I hardly doubt Obama looked at this. Presidents barely have time to worry about these things.
Yeah, no duh. I already I'm not going to be drinking Pepsi ever again and that's because I'm not into possibly ingesting dead fetuses. And Obama himself, did he sign off on it or was it his administration? I always blame the administration, Obama is just a fall guy. Ughghhh so gross
It's most likely the administration. I don't think the President has time to cater and watch every move his administration. He did pick the members of his cabinet and such, and it was done for a reason. Each person has their role, and by representing the President's views
Hey, at least isn't as bad as those Chinese vitamin pills which were made out of real aborted fetuses.
They aren't using fetal cells in Pepsi. HEK 293 cells aren't used to flavor Pepsi, they are used to isolate flavor receptors which they then use to test how these receptors react to certain flavor ingredients. HEK 293 cells are derived from embryonic cells that were collected from a human embryo in the 1970's. All HEK 293 cells used today have been grown in a lab, and they have been used in thousands of legitimate studies. It's not like they are harvesting unborn babies, shaking it up and adding it to soda pop, for fuck's sake. This is legitimate science. hek 293 cells - PubMed - NCBI
Yes they are Penelope geez why you gotta be a buzz kill? It's all Obamas fault he stinks he doesn't care about soda he drinks the blood of the babies they abort before the process cant you see man?!
Theyll do anything to disband a union I suppose Coca-Cola Accused of Using Death Squads to Target Union Leaders » Colombia Journal
Anyone else find it that this happened in Colombia? I wonder if they still put coca leaf in the coca-cola there? Damn, I kinda want to try some Colombian coca cola now that I thought of it...