Obama Administration Trying To Pull Out Of The Drug War?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Biltwellnigga, May 15, 2014.

  1. #1 Biltwellnigga, May 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
  2. I havent seen the progress spoken of.

    The states are doing amazing, but Obama and the feds are cracking down like never before. And while I am of the opinion all drugs should legal, I highly doubt we will ever see anything except ganja become legal. If even herb.

    Psychedelics? Hell to the fuck no, the government does not want people opening their minds

    And there isnt much of a call for legalization of any other drugs besides bud and the occasional psychedelics are harmless if used responsibly argument.
  3. I have a feeling that Obama at the very least wants weed to be legal or decriminalized but not straight up end the "drug wars" (we still need an entity like the DEA, just not one so fucking corrupt and tyrannical ), he just has to fight all the monies and powers behind the DEA, industrial prison complex, drug test companies, big pharma,  tobacco and alcohol,  and rehabilitation clinics just to name a few groups, said groups also happen to have on average faaaaar more money then any entity against the drug war or are for legalization.
    Also Obama has had to deal with the crazy right opposing him at every turn just for the sake of being against him even when hes advocating for something that would totally benefit the right's agenda (racism is probably why), Its either going to be a bipartisan effort towards legalization seen in through the house and senate that we will see the first actual steps towards legalization or Obama will pull a fast one near the end of his presidency and either reschedule or decriminalize marijuana with his executive powers, still too much on the table for Obama that needs to be done before committing to something that is still seen as political suicide to the media despite the majority of Americans being in favor of the change.
    how is he going to fight all the "monies and powers" when he is a part of that group himself?
    and racism? really? why play that card?
  5. cough cough..
  6. #6 floating_by, May 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
    Really? I don't know how you and I can watch this and have the same reaction, and you call me a conspiracy theorist at every opportunity? You are one confusing hombre.
  7. This guy who wrote the article is a paid shill. Obama hasn't done shit, he's done the same fucking bullshit that Bush did, act like they don't care about the states legalizing and then raid shops and take there money anyway. The DEA has already been raiding colorado stores, taking all their cash with them. FUCK OBAMA AND FUCK HIS PR CAMPAIGN TO MAKE EVERYONE BELIEVE HE"S DOING SOMETHING FOR THE PEOPLE!
  8. Obama should have been genuine and honest from the start instead of being deceitful -- like a con man. 
    nothing new really...
    as the previous office holders have done for a long time, the current 357 DC politicians have been real busy with those carrots...got to keep the herds distracted from the slaughterhouse at the end of the path.
    nasty carrot...
  10. #10 DorianOmega, May 16, 2014
    Last edited: May 16, 2014
    If you've seen the news relating to the president for the past 5 years now you'd find plenty of opposition mostly from the right stonewalling every bill or proposition that hes tried to pass, then we get lovely excerpts of politicians explaining why they vote no to everything he proposes calling Obama a Muslim, non american, a communist/ socialist and pretty much everything they can beyond using racial slurs, all the while the house is working on its 55th run at trying to appeal obamacare despite it been projected that the AHCA could actually be beneficial to the right and is what the american people voted for, what other reason then bigotry could there be for the right to try and be so anti Obama?
    If Obama was part of the powers that be the medical industries and anti drug groups pushing the buttons then I doubt hed have the massive opposition and difficulties trying to pass a basic health care reform bill dealing with insurance... that was mostly devised by right wingers, bush on the other hand was able to put in medicare part D without barely even a notice in the political world and even when it came to light as a negative thing its turned out to be a good thing for america.
    Obama is just another politician but remember the dude is a democrat, there's a reason hes constantly asking for donations from people on some kind of campaign trail instead of relying on his special interest groups and tax the way a republican would... hes corrupt but not that corrupt.
  11. #11 AugustWest, May 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2014
    can you please post a link to someone who voted no on a bill because they claim Obama is a Muslim?
    you consider the ACA a basic reform bill? Can you explain that please?
    and man.. how can you not consider any president of the US part of "the powers that be"?
    if the POTUS isn't part of that group than who is?
    and you can not compare Medicare D with this ACA.. apples and oranges.
  12. Lol yeah i'll beileve it when I see it...
    Dude, you're showing your naivety.
    To even become POTUS, one must suck the corporate big money dick. 
    Even worse, you are still playing the dem v repub game.  Playing the RACE card, too.  :poke: :blink: :blink:  :blink:
    Not a way to be taken seriously, at all.
    Pull your head out of your ass long enough to realize both parties are at "THE Party", and
    regular citizens don't get an invite.  Both parties have had too many chances.  Fail.
  14. #14 DorianOmega, May 19, 2014
    Last edited: May 19, 2014
    Pull your head out of your ass, if you honestly believe that both parties are actually two faced in being one in the same and that the Right inst full of anti Obama bigots then you either dont watch the news or know what your talking about, no shit the president has to play up to corporate powers to get anything done in that position, but do you really think he can play to ALL of them? based on what you said you DO. that is delusional thinking...
    *fun fact, Obama has only vetoed 2 bills since hes been in office and none of them had to do with the economy!
    just some sources for those that dont believe me...
  15. The two party system is designed to keep your attention on those two parties. As if one vs the other will solve the problems. Meanwhile the corporate and financial elite are positioned above both parties. Stay busy focusing on their puppets so you never inquire about the puppet masters.

    Sort of like how certain financial/corporate cartels profited off both sides during civil war, world wars etc. Nothing new.
  16. The media is owned by the same people putting on the political dog and pony show.
    Now step away from the keyboard before embarrassing yourself again.
    Id rather keep posting then concede to people that think they know more about our political system and to show it come to stupid conclusions like that, at least my conclusion had some legit points based on some evidence and not "i know more then you so shut up" like any arrogant old man could.
  18. Mitch McConnell is suddenly all about hemp because of federal tax credits that are hanging out there for OIL PRODUCERS to take advantage of for upping their production and use of renewable energy which meets energy output standards. Hemp, of course, is the plant that can do it. He's been on this crusade for a couple years already.
    You can put up links to progressive Huff Post noise all you want and pretend you're doing something. Toe that line, comrade.
  19. He uses huffington post for more than one link. He doesn't even deserve a response.
  20. #20 Green Wizard, May 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2014
    Utter nonsense. Hemp is the plant that can do it? What, there is no other plant that can produce vegtable oil? Why build a biodiesel generation plant fueled from hemp that still contributes to greenhouse gases? They're going solar and wind for those credits home boy. So there goes another one of your "theories".

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