Hello, I have rescently hit the working world out of High School and am currently doing some hard labor full time, and I am realizing this is deffinately not what i want to do for a living. All the bogus that everyone tells you about how you need an education and "Go To College"... Well I deffinately realize that it is deffinately a good idea and how you mature and realize things as you "Grow Up." But back onto topic I really want to go back to school now , but dont know what for??? They say to do what you love but I really dont know what to go for. Then I saw this school for the cannibas industry at Oaksterdam University. I have been looking into it and it looks like a fairly good school. Has anyone had any expirience with this school or gone there and is there anything I should need to know before getting my hopes up. I will be 20 in march and really need change fast. I feel like I am just waisting part of my life by working. Both of my parents are cool with me going there and money really shouldnt be an issue. If anyone could give me some of their expiriences with Oaksterdam it would be highly appreciated. Also I would like to go to the campus in Oakland, there are three in Cali and One in Mich. THANKS A LOT
OK ill get right on that... I didn't say I want to go to school to learn to grow. I already know almost everything you need to about growing anyway but thanks. I want to get into the cannibas industry more so for the business classes and all the legal issues I need to know so someday I can hopefully open my own dispensery... And 500 Bucks to teach someone how to grow? I would gladly teach anyone that asked me for a very good price of $0 just for the common knowledge So we can someday get closer to a day of legalization
you make it sound like this is comparable to going to stanford or something...its just a bunch of classes you pay for, they likley give you a ton of material to read, shove a lot of info at you in a session, and then its up to you to go read all of it at home. going to real college is supposed to give you a glimpse of many different things over 4 yrs so you can have a better idea of what you like. it sounds to me like you graduated high school in june, worked for the summer doing something like construction, and realized school would be easier for the time being.. ur right, but you have a lot to learn...besides, taking a few courses at this place may tell you the laws etc, but they cant tell you how to actually own and operate a profitable business. starting a business, whether its growing, a shop, glass, anything, is not easy and you have to know what your doing. thats what real school is for, and thats why many people go to university, then work a few years to gain real experience and real knowledge, even college doesnt prep you for this stuff...then once youve done that a few yrs, you know enough to start your own business. it can be done other ways too, no doubt, but itll take you forever to make money.
Lol, I was just joking man. If you wanna go to this school then I say go for it but I wouldn't expect to graduate and come out with an instant job. If you want a secure lasting career I'd say go into the medical field.