What up what up, I am new to GC and trying to rep Ohio. Anyone else from Ohio, or even the Midwest, and if you are have you got the privilege of getting your hands on some Deathstar? Probably the best strain I have ever seen
nice to hear an there is someone close. i also am from ohio. suburbs of cleveland... deathstar??? know where i can get some seeds.. haha.
No I do not, you would have to be pretty lucky to happen upon some seeds. From what ive read about DS in high times the strain is kept under wraps. It originated in Columbus though, reppin ohio
Yeah you guys up north get all that lake effect snow, February is supposed to be even worse. I'm ready for spring...
dayton area i haven't had that but I had some chewbacca the other day, goodness g r a c i o u s. there's some pretty dank shit going around the dayton area, northern lights as well apparently.