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O.F.F.s club

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Bud Head, May 5, 2002.

  1. should work ...let's see....someone pass me a lite...


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  4. So since I am the only one here now...pass around the buds,,,scratch your ass,,break wind if ya have to,,,then take another hit. Been a long hard day for me,,,thought I would share the,got the shoes off,dinking an ale,and loadin a bedbowl spirit with everyone.....peace

  5. LOL at Ndica and critter wish i was there with ya buds!

    Reform maryjane laws, You are starting out on the right foot! Keep up the good work we may make you executive of your work!!!!
  6. Well my "cease fire" with the Bitch I work for is holding for now, so I'd like to volunteer for an O.F.F. official position, maybe SGT of ARMS as I'm such a talented Diplomat(LMFAO).Besides, there is such Lil' trouble around here(and SJ takes care of that!) that my job would consist of recieving beers from Reform Mary Jane Laws,and makin' sure everyone gets a Toke off the Buds floatin' round the clubhouse!!!Lmao!! :smoking:
  7. Look cowboy and amanita you made it on the official list!!!!!!!

  8. Did i make some kinda mistake with my spelling??
    RMJL is female isn't she?
  9. NdicaBud how about you be our grower?? Keep us supplied?

    Highya honey, What position do you want??
  10. Yes!!! I am all female!!!!!!!! Haha

  11. Thank you Mr. Vice-President!!!!!Fellow Blades, I Luv ya'll!!:D:

    Mr. VP, justme was unsure of her spellin' of masseuse, Amanita was just helpin' out. Maybe she can double as the official "Proofreader" for the O.F.F.!!! I know I could sure use one at times!! LOL :smoking:
  12. Woody and Stonygurl, I have left thee out! For this I am truely sorry. What positions would be adequate for the minds of these two?

    Let me kbnow guys and gals!!

    Stony could be assistant V.P.!!!!!!!!!!

    Cowboy thanks for clearing that up for me. I thought I had spelled that right!!!!!!!
  13. Lets not forget

    SJ and Keys are the offical computer wizards who keeps us all together on the net! The two most important and greatest people of all!!!!!!
  14. Sense I don't qualify to be a member here I can provide information on current popular things like music, clothing, uh,..... I can play guitar. yea, I can bring music. And I like the older music more than the newer stuff. take a look at the music I download. And I can make animations for your club.

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  15. OK!

    It's obvious that all of us have something to contribute, regardless of age! So being a self elected Grand (everyone together!) POOOOOOOOOHBAAAAAAAAAAAH, I am putting forth the motion to change the name and charter of the O.F.F!

    Be it known by all who pass this post, that a motion has been made to put forth, to rename O.F.F.

    The motion states that the name O.F.F. (Old Fried Farts) shall be changed to O.F.F.F. (Organization of Fried Females + Fellows).

    Being a Grand (everyone together) POOOOOOOOOHBAAAAAAAAH!
    I have no official capacity to enact this. All I got is this cool hat and chicken strips hanging from my ears. But it seems from this post, that anybody can be fried!

    So I say,

    One city,
    Under god,
    With ramblings,
    And friedness for all!

    I second that motion!!!! Although I am without a hat and the chicken strips that were hanging from my ears were eaten because of the munchies----what can you do?

    Organization of Fried Females and Fellows!!!!

    Hehe--Look girls-we are listed first.

    One city,
    Under God
    With ramblings
    and friedness for all.

    Great motto too!!!!!

    Besides, since I'm Sgt. of Arms, in the event that major trouble arose, I could use the help of those that are not as old and decrepit!!!!! ( you see, I really AM an O.F.F.!!! lol )

    I vote YESSSSSS!! :wave: Us O.F.F.'s need someone to listen to our "yarns" anyway! we've all heard 'em or done 'em, so let's share "em with a "newer" audience!!! :smoking:

    RMJL, of course it's Ladies first!!! We started out "oldschool", and while we may eliminate our membership age requirements, I would hope we maintain our sense of values!!! :hippie:

  18. looks like someones a little late gettin round to picking my 'position',...DONT YOU DARE! :D
    i thought i was baking
    *decides to keep ALLL my lil duty jokes to myself*
    i luvs ya mate :D
  19. i could work in the fields,
    just dont ask me to babysit

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