Nyc Republicans...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jay-bird, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. #21 jay-bird, Jun 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2013
    Uhh I dunno what about it? In NYC you only get a ticket for carrying less than 2 ounces of weed (in only 1 or 2 bags) so I'm pretty sure nothing would happen if I was stopped and caught with a used "tobacco" pipe (and not not anyhting else except for maybe a lighter or matches.) Depending on how respectful / stupid I am during the situation and what-not.
    If officers CAN arrest you for having a pipe, that is horrible and hopefully it's only a misdemeanor and like a day or two in jail.
    EDIT* Turns out if it's used and smelled up with resin that they can arrest you. Which is bullshit because what about flavored hookah and tobaccos? Otherwise they can't if you don't have weed and you say it's for your tobacco. Oh well I never liked carrying around pipes outside anyway, too clunky. And when I do, I pray that I come across the (more often than not) officer who doesn't give a fuck about weed.

  2. don't forget the loophole because once they search you and pull out a gram the weed becomes "in plain view" which is a crime and I just pray you never were slow on paying a parking ticket or some shit because if so yuh going to the tombs..
  3. Thanks for responding back.
    That is the part I hate about the stop and frisk, a man has to re-up sometime. If they only could arrest for the primary purpose i.e. weapons, then it would sit better with me. It's bullshit they can pin incidental finds on you. :smoke:
  4. #24 garrison68, Jun 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2013
    I grew up during a time when frisking was not common in NYC, which may be the reason why it never happened to me.  Today, though, the situation with illegal firearms in the hands of young men is much worse than when I was their age.  The stop and frisk program has definitely reduced crime and saved lives.   
  5. stop and frisk = police state = terrorist win. Freedom lost and the fucking terrorists have won.
  6. The terrorists win if we allow our streets to become high-crime zones because we are afraid to take measures that work.  
    I know, its truly fucking remarkable.
    I'm not even going to try anymore. Some people are so misguided that there isnt anything you can do.
  8. #28 Judgement, Jun 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2013
    I so wish you could spend a day in central booking just asking people why they are there lol.. You would meet so many pissed off people who had a joint in their cigarette pack, black guys in  three piece suits who got searched walking to their car and  had a dime bag on them, etcetc :(
    edit: that isn't to say that these days don't beat the days of robbery by gunpoint in broad daylight in Times Square days..
    Live free or die. Americans have their second amendment. Ain't skeered. We don't need eletronic surveilence or stop and frisk police tactics. We don't need foreign oil. We don't need to spread democracy. We don't need drone strikes. We don't need TV. We don't need the FCC and so on, and we do all this in the name of freedom. Hah!
  10. 2nd amendment in ny? are you nuts? lol.. No but really, I'm not sure if there is a state with stricter gun laws
  11. [​IMG]
  12. Illinois, specifically the cesspool that is Shitcago. Hands down worst gun laws in the country. They have NYC beat, no contest.

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