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NYC head Shops

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by elfishio, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. Any of the NY smokers know where the heady shops are? i kno shisha int'l on W 4th, but everything there is overpriced. I kno thats what NYC is, but im sure there are better places. its a big city, and it takes a bunch of weed naps.
  2. The Smoking Stop- in the village i believe on Christopher. St. got my 2ft RooR with ashtray and grinder for 275$ and he threw in a bunch of little freebies, rolling papers, bracelt, etc.
  3. Shisha International sells fake ROORs, don't shop there.

    The Smoking Shop - 45 Christopher St.
    Blue Nile - 324 Bleecker St

    Both shops are owned by the same people, great service & products. ROORs, Illys and LUXs. They also have worked bowls, heady bubblers/dry peices and percolated tubes.
  4. are they owned by the same people?
    i went to both blue nile and smoking stop/shop b/c its 1 block from each other. basically bargain with each other and say the other place gave me such and such price and i ended up buying my lux mini with a nice green ashcatcher for 220$. he threw in a free 420 and 3 blunt wraps so it was a good deal on my part. =D
  5. No idea but he always hooks me up good shoptho
  6. Yes,

    Both shops are owned by the same guys. The shop layout is also extremely similar in both Blue Nile & SS.


    What exactly are you looking for?
  7. good luck, man. i don't think i've been to/seen either of the shops people are talking about (weird...i had dinner on w4th last night!) but the city, especially around bleecker, macdougal, and pretty much everything in between like 5th-7th ave, is really overpriced. i saw this kid yesterday get charged $150 +tax for a no-name factory diffy and a/c. watch out for all the fake roor's, and watch out for all the $600 "top of the line" ADS tubes that EVERY shop you see will try to push.
    hopefully the other shops people listed are as good as they sound.
  8. I was just at The Smoking Shop on Christopher st in Greenwich Village, NYC and they had tons of sick Roors and more artistic expensive big bongs too. I got a 18mm blue ashcatcher for my blue label Illadelph for $40 and I got a Sharpstone grinder (great investment) for $30.

  9. For the best glass (Toro):
    Ithaca's Glass - Ithaca, NY
    Headin' 2 Hertel - Buffalo, NY
  10. Those are pretty far from the city man.

    I believe the OP is looking for shops within Manhattan ;)

    Also for the OP,

    NY Gifts, although I've never bought anything there, has a fantastic tube selection.
  11. Go down around Christopher street and there are headshops everywhere. The prices were good last time I was there.

    I don't go to any particular one though.
  12. Blue Nile and smoke stop are good. but why is everyone baggin on shisha?!? i haven't been there since like the spring, but last time i was there I bought a really nice trippleblown sherlock bub and the dude threw in a nice trippleblown bowl for $75...when i saw similar bubs sellin somewhere online (not gonna mention which site but you can guess ;)) for over $100!!
  13. you guys seem to get expensive stuff

    i just came from a glass shop/tattoo/pericing, but it's mostly a glass shop, down in st marks (st marks pl between 3rd and 4th, close to the middle) called 'addiction NYC' whcih is right next to the sock place, and i got two foot high bongs for 20 bucks each (pics to be taken soon). they're really good and i was looking for a small bong anyways so i can take it outside and find a place to smoke without having to go to a park or ait til 4 in the morning
  14. If you're referring to Shisha International, they sell fake ROORs.
  15. Also a nice shop. Real RooR's as far as I can tell as well. Make sure to check out Yakitori taisho while down there too... AWESOME yakitori.
  16. yea soho in NYC, has great smoke shops. all around the place. This is where i get all my glass. So if you want direction these are the best i can give you, take the R train to Prince street get out and head your way to a NYU college which is like 3 blocks from the stop(ask anyone in Manhattan and there tell you were NYU is.) Ok when you get to the college(it might take some walking) look around and there will be like 5 or more head shops.

    Also sometimes the guys in the headshops are negotiable. and also if your under age they will sell it to you, but make sure you dont hang out in there shop too much.
  17. Best place to go is Astor Place, take the 6 train and there is an entire block full of headshops/piercing/tattoo places, they have everything, you can find cheap pieces or high quality glass.
  18. hey guys, i found another head shop that hasnt been mentioned yet. its on the corner of 40th and 6th. i dunno what its called but i swear its there. they have better prices than st.marks in relation to small pieces like chillums and bowls, but a much smaller collection.
  19. oh, man. this is amazing.

    i moved to the city last at the beginning of this month, and after finding a hook (and a small pipe), i figured i should look around and try to find a good headshop. since i really had no idea where to look, i figured i'd log back in to the city of grass (been a long time, fellow blades!) and post a topic.

    then i saw this.

    i love you guys.
  20. yup both great places, bought my roor at blue nile. gotta head there soon again for a new bowl for it

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