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(NYC) Coffee Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by NYD, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 NYD, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    Just picked up some if this fine bud. Smells like a parade a of skunks with a little bit of cocoa bean :smoke: heres the pics enoy:






    Looks theres some purple in there
  2. damn, super danky.
    socal has the best dank though...

  3. i had coffee kush a few weeks ago, shit is STRONG.. rep
  4. Hell yes! Kush and Coffee, two of the finest flavors in the world.
  5. mhm coffee kush, laced wit cocoa lol jk
  6. lol @ coffee kush..what will they think of next...nice pickup
  7. I've gotten a batch of something called Expresso Kush once, the bag smelt just like a bag of coffee grinds. This looks alot better though.
  8. macros are impressive
  9. Just picked up 1.5g of this stuff just couldnt get enough :smoking:
    Also pics are updated
  10. make yourself some weed coffee with that haha
  11. nice pickup mane.
    doesn't look like it was trimmed very well though:rolleyes:
  12. Could go for a nice cup of coffee with a nice bowl of coffee kush in the mornings :D:D
  13. Looks Nice .. .. ..

    Enjoy .. .. .. :)
  14. wow that looks dank. a bit on the leafy side but those are some dank leaves so I wouldn't be complaining.

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