NY Gifts

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Major., Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Whats up guys I am looking to pick up a Toro stemless disk this weekend but didn't want to take the trip if I can't get it.

    Anybody happen to know what Toro alex has in stock right now? Or is there anyway of contacting him, I believe I lost his card :rolleyes:
  2. I think he has it but the number of his store is 212.989.6350
  3. Awesome man thanks for the help, does he give his usual sweet deals on toro as well?
  4. Just sweet talk him and make him feel important
  5. going to ny gifts todayyyy he has many toros.
  6. does NYG stock Sovereignty?

  7. No, but if any store in manhattan were to aquire such glassware this would be the place to get it.
  8. yeah tomorrow maybe or another day i will shoot over there and ask about sovereignty. i should have really gotten a sovereignty. i would have if he had some.

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