Unidentified indica strain has been flowering for about 5 weeks now. just wondering roughly how much longer they still need as it has been getting quite rainy/overcast and colder (not too cold yet) on the west coast. They are also under cover. thanks!
no one?? btw this is my first ever grow. these plants were vegged under cfls for the first 4 weeks of their life.
looks good, if they have been flowering for 5 weeks now. i would say you have about two weeks left or so, they look like they are getting close. i would be watching them every day. Do you know what to look for, as far as knowing when they are done. great job for you first time.
I have read that I am looking for when the trichomes turn amber/brown and recede back into the bud, correct? I am going to buy a microscope tomorrow. The only other thing I am wondering is about when I harvest. I will be drying in a closet that I grew the plants in when they first started. However, they contracted spider mites there in the beginning (they are all gone now). I am wondering wether I should just forget about drying in this area entirely since I know it once had spider mites, Or if there is a way I can still use the closet and not have to worry about them eating my crop (i've heard sticky tape at either end of the line is a good idea?)
yeah ur good , the only thing i would do about the closet, is vacuum it out really good. and remember you want to keep it dark. you will find some good tips here what it come to harvest time. Harvesting and Processing Marijuana - Grasscity.com Forums
I've vaccumed it out really well. and it generally stays dark in there all day as the door is always closed. Is a small fan blowing indirectly in there say on the floor a good idea for some air movement? Also, something that concerned me today I was checking the plants and on one of them I noticed something strange on a small bud very low on the plant near the base. It was slightly brown and when i investigated it has bud rotted on the inside. The bud was very small (about the size of a nickel) and seemed to be saturated with water on the inside. I cut it out well below the bud and checked the rest of it and the others for similar damage and found nothing like it on close inspection. Im assuming that it must have retained the water from before when the plants were not under cover, or something collected a drip. I saw no other budrot anywhere and i combed over them pretty thoroughly. Should I be worried? The plants are now and have been for awhile completely covered from rain.
Do your best to keep them out of the rain, it is causing the buds to rot. I'm suprised you hadn't drawn this connection yet though, and more so that you are still letting them get soaked... In any case, good luck to you. May you be blessed with a harvest that is both bountiful and potent.