Nutrient Samples

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by wrecker92, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Lol my bad I'm hanging lol
  2. No worries bro.
  3. dude ive gotten samples from over 8 companies already. i never use the word "Free" just sends bad vibes to someone selling stuff. plus if you go ahead and send your name and address with your e-mail it stops them from having to reply to you more than once which is less work.. all kinds of things you have to think about bro. remember all they have to do is type a few words in a box and you get your stuff. make them feel like they have the cure for cancer and you just want a itty bitty little sample so you can give them your money every month.. doesnt always work say 3 out of 10.. but its worth it.. besides i just have my ole lady do a couple a day... one the other day actually called me back and said they have a 4 dollar shipping charge to send you there samples. i gladly paid them and recieved a box of all kinds of pots and nutrients and ph bottles and calibration fluids.. seriously worth it.. up to you bro.. just my 2 cents

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