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Nutrient Help??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by SatanicKoala, Aug 16, 2019.

  1. Hey Everyone,

    Quick question I thought I'd ask about my nutes, currently I have 3 Plants about 3 weeks old, still a while from flower but I have been using Canna CoCo A+B to feed them in a coco coir but I read that by using these types of nutrients throughout flower can cause issues such as nitrogen poisoning? Even though on the bottle it says you can use it through veg and bloom.

    My question being should I flush before i switch to flower and start the girls on this other bottle of nutrients i have which is specifically for flowering plants in coco? If so what's the best way to go about that without causing any or much shock to the plants.Pretty sure my other nutrient bottle is called Big Bud for CoCo. I'm worried using veg nutes during flower will limit my success at harvest.
  2. Canna says those nutrients work in veg and flowering ..what the video
    But I always add Canna Boost and Rock resonator in when I am in flowering .
    Take note the I grow hydroponics and use Canna aqua VEG A and B for vegetation cycle and Aqua Flores A and B plus Canna Boost and Rock Resinator in the flowering cycle .
    I only mix half dosages ...
    The Canna products I use the green caps are for VEG and the red for budding except the Canna Rhitztonic
    I use that in veg even though it has a red caps

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