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Nutes during flowering?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by weedornot, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. 1st plant I have ever had making it this far. Outdoor grow.. it sprouted from seeds tossed into a burn/compost pit.

    The plant is currently 5ft tall has a thick mainstalk with about 10 nice branches.

    By my best guess I am late week 3 / early week 4 of budding.. Friend of mine knows a little more than me ( just enough to be dangerous ) He gave me some rose food 8-24-12 and told me I should add a bit to help fatten the buds over the next few weeks and once I hit week 7 or so no more nutes and straight water.

    I have a nice 60-100X scope and have figured out checking the trichs from reading info here. most of them are clear with a few starting to cloud up.

    Would a couple weeks of the plant food be a good idea? should I use a different ratio food.

    any advice is appreciated
  2. Couldn't hurt. Some folks seem to like dropping the N down even more in flower, but I like keeping some N in there, myself.
  3. ive heard you can slow flowering down by adding nutes while the flowering..... i dont know tho....

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