im new to growing and my sour diesel plants are nearing the flower stage however after increasing the cal mag I was giving from .75ml/gal to 1ml/gal for only one watering I have nute burn on several leaves. This makes no sense to me considering it’s less cal mag than what I’ve seen most people give their plants. It also worries me because one of the plants has a few deficiencies and I feel like I shouldn’t feed it anything because it would just cause more problems. Any help is appreciated TLDR: gave my plants a slight increase in cal mag(still less than half recommended) for one watering and now there is some nute burn what should I do?
It wont be the calmag which is burning the plants, you need to give more info and post some pictures, what medium you growing in, ph, ppm, what you feeding other then calmag, how close your lights are and how powerful they are, RH, temps then someone might be able answer!
Cal-mag isn't damaging your plants. It's not a nute per say so there really isn't a issue with giving it full strength. It's something else but without pics in natural lighting we are all shooting in the dark aside from the obvious that it's not the cal-mag AT all unless by some chance you haven't been shaking the bottle vigorously before every use. If you haven't been the bottle is trash.