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Nuggets in vail colorado

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Griffin3030, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Im going skiing in colorado in a few weeks

    Would finding weed at a ski resort in Colorado be difficult? How should I go about picking up without being sketchy?

    I figure that its easy to pickup because its colorado which is pretty straight I hear as far as dank bud goes. Any experiences are general advice would be appreciated PIECE out
  2. Bust in and scream "I need some marijuana!!"

    Guaranteed to work almost every time.

  3. I would suggest doing this at the local police station, those guys know the neighborhood really well, so they'll be able to hook you up with the best deals.
  4. This is true, this is true.:smoke:

  5. That would be sketchy and dumb

  6. Not funny. Ive never had to get buds through strangers so I'm looking for legit tips, it's decriminalized in Colorado
  7. [​IMG]

  8. Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded.
  9. [​IMG]
  10. I've been to Vail before. Even though I wasn't looking for bud, I don't remember seeing anyone that looked like they were selling. It may be difficult but eventually you'll find some. It's Colorado remember

  11. Yea I'm only going up for a like 5 days. I'm thinking I'll just ask around and offer 70 for an 8th. money talks.
  12. yo griff did you have any luck when you were in vail? going skiing in a week and def gonna need some herb

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