Is it wrong to outlaw nudity? There must be a psychological reprocussion to concealing our bodies from sight. Perhaps our rules were born from our ugliness and unsanitarity, but we have adapted such a violent reaction towards nudity that it is not natural. We have built a world where your repuation is based on your willingness to wear a suit and a tie and behave in an adulterated mannerism, at some point in most peoples lives, they no longer crawl on all fours, or allow themselves to be seen naked. Do you think that as the health of human beings improves, we will become more accepting of our bodies? I think that our taboos will dissolve, about all subjects including property, death and sex, or else we would continue to be controlled by illogical rules.
Clothes are neccessary to keep us warm since we have no fur. Since then we have grown accustom to them. Nudity is not wrong in any way for any person regardless of age or sex though there are many we would prefer not to see nude
This happened to me shortly after posting the thread: I was watching Arsenic and Old Lace in my boxers when a homeless guy in the alley filled with grass and trees outside my window threw a beer bottle against the wall. He began asking me if I wanted him to suck my dick, and I was like, no you should probably just get the fuck out of here. My cat was in the window sill, and he asked if I wanted to see his dick, and I was like, no, I don't even want my cat to see that, and shut the blinds.
we started covering ourselves after adam nd eve ate the forbidden fruit. why? one possibility they got cold? or ashamed? idk. whatever the case.. yea i think primarily clothed for warmth. but i think censorship of the body is pretty silly. moreso people being offended.. like wtf?? at least there are places and ways one can express themselves and their body freely.
I am completely ashamed of my body and don't want to see myself naked let alone your average joe off the streets. And if sexy women wore no clothes on the streets I would get into a ton of car accidents lol. I think your body should be a private concern, not a public one.
yeah lol. in the wild animal kingdom you don't see a lion or anything wearing a pair of pants. but then again i live in Canada if i don't wear clothes to keep me warm i'd fucking die of frost bite lol