Nuclear fallout in America.. again.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by AnakinEiktiwan, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. #1 AnakinEiktiwan, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2013


    Ok shit just got real. There is now big leak on the Fukushima again, might be that the cores will soon explode and now the fission is speeding up. Get some seeds and ground, put them to grow: if it explodes again, everyone must close windows and make own atmosphere!

    Make this viral! There was already on Arkansas DANGEROUS AMOUNTS of radiation in the snow: it is not safe to be outside especially if it is raining.


    Cherno has killed millions now, Fuku is much, much worse.. Time will tell, how much. We must stop these terrorists ASAP! They belong to jail for the rest of their miserable lifes! They MURDER CHILDREN across the freaking planet!

    Original text:

    Here we go again:

    [ame=]Arkansas gets radioactive sleet and snow but no warnings. - YouTube[/ame]

    Some of the Fuku saga, I think that is hotspot from there since its still leaking:

    Fukushima rescue plan: Bonsai Ecosystem, Boneco (Boneko)
  2. thats fucked man it went up to 126 on the car
  3. Yep. The radiation will stay in the atmosphere for many years, even if the Fuku now stopped leaking.

    So it would be very wise, to make into your house own atmosphere and close all ventilation. Just make sure you have plants everywhere or otherwise will come too much CO2 and it will make you depressed.

    I did that, when Fuku happened. Came very happy, quit smoking just like that: pure air is something, that really makes you high. I had though 60m2 apartment then almost full of plants. But yeah, soon came the matrix and year in the mental prison.. They did not like me doing that and occupying internet to warn people.
  4. This is scary
  5. #5 AnakinEiktiwan, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2013
    Do not be. You should only be scared if you are doing this terrorism.

    I mean, was the hemp made illegal just couse it cures cancer?

    Even NASA suggests HAARP was used to cause Japan tsunami.

    Illuminati anyone? World wide terrorism and no ones guilty? Was just an accident.

    Like, why were those nukes build in the first place? Einstein tryed to warn about nuclear power. It has nothing to do with making electricity, it is military technology.

    Humankind must unite. Otherwise things will get more scary. You can see what is happening already, cellphones that can see through walls, laser scanners that can even "smell" your clothes if you have smoked for example hemp, forced vaccines, RFID chips, you name it.

    We are going to matrix world very fast. But of course, "it can not be since I saw it on movie theater."

    But was it put there just so you would not see it happening in real life?

    You can do very much to this world. Just talk to people, IRL and internet. Be honest to yourself, the system is fucked up but how deep it goes? Do we want to wait and see or take back our freedom?

    If you are afraid, meditate and concentrate on that feeling. Eventually it will turn into sorrow, you will cry but then it is not anymore negative feeling. Then you will feel love, couse you have choosed to do the right thing: as a human, not being a robot who accepts this terrorism.

    Or this was, what I was going through. Been on this game like 10 years and I am very sure, that there is some kind of elite who are doing these kind of things on purpose. Only way to stop them is to share info. But there is soon going to be internet cencor laws, we must act now.


    This is a good song to meditate with. Also go to nature, it will give you energy. Trust your intuition on things: think with your heart and forget your brains.

  6. Damn,I would haul ass outta that area
  7. I dont know how well I believe this, you can tell he has a basic knowledge of video editing by adding that little nuclear symbol in the video.
  8. I suggest you guys do some research about radiation before you let something like this stress you.

    Radiation is harmless unless the body is exposed to high doses over a long period of time.
  9. Oh man, another one of these crazy conspiracy theory threads. And now you are even throwing in that the matrix is real? Jesus man, go out and get some fresh air or something.
  10. I'd love to read this statement, care to link it for me?
  11. Umm, Fuku has leaked for many years now.

    It is not "background" radiation or radon what comes from there, dude.. Its synthetic radiation. If even synthetic vitamins are unhealthy, what about synthetic radiation particles?

    There is very much information about how even little long term radiation is more dangerous that single bigger dose.

    The question is, who is lying? Those "scientists" that work for corporations and govs or those scientists that work for humankind?
  12. Yes sure. U know they only did this, couse Arto Lauri exposed that. Without him, they would NEVER came public with this.

    I have also made our authorities dance like dogs, they are getting very scared! Even removed their pyramid logo when I used their website on my article lol.

    New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami

  13. You are stretching the truth about long term radiation. Our bodies can tolerate low levels of radiation. Iv'e never heard of small doses leading to health problems over time.

    Honestly dude I think you have no idea what you are talking about. Neither do I so im going to read up a bit and come back. As for corporations, if it's a big deal then scientist will find out about it.
  14. LOL... everyone is like... "HAARP!... man HAARP is causing shit all over the world"... Then when asked.. "HAARP, so what's it all about then, what does it do?" everyone is like scratching their heads and furrowing their brows... :)
  15. It's no secret that fukushima is still spewing radioactive waste into the atmosphere and oceans. This planet will die soon methinks. Mother has been abused.:(
  16. Dunno about soon, but your right, it will die. The fact that we, unlike the dinosaurs, are conscious of it is irrelevant really. Even if we overthrow our tyrannical overlords :D it will still die...

    Oh... and come back to life again in some other form unlike, yet similar, to the last :)
  17. Please tell me more about those studies that show that for example plutonium (which is man made and does not occur in nature) isnt the most deadliest substance on earth?


    2mg of plutonium is the same as 2kg uranium. Ever heard how even the depleted (weaker) uranium used in wars cause horrible results on many generations?

    Like smoking cigarets is also not unhealthy, couse "your body can tolerate it" right? Sad thing here, that Fuku released a bit more toxic smoke than there is on tobacco, depleted uranium or in Chernobyl: even that they add also on tobacco radioactive substances.

    Asahi: Sources say about 1,000 kinds of radioactive materials released from Fukushima reactors


    Please, dont think too much, it does not suit you at all, dude. Sorry if I hurted your feelings but maybe you shouldnt talk about things you does not know very well?

    Yes, do that. Read for example this for starters:

    A Green Road - Where Heart Shift Happens: How Dangerous Is 400-600 Pounds Of Plutonium Nano Particle Dust Liberated By Fukushima?

    Y u no understand HAARP is just big microwave oven with no lid and destroys also the ozone layer?


    There have been many years animal mass deaths and bees dying: the rate is on increase. When this power will be directed into your home town, m8?

    Just wonder that when you cannot sleep at night and I am sure you will also come to the conclusion, that these terrorists must be stopped ASAP.

    One does not simply FRY FISH ON OCEAN!



    These just the year 2013 I found quickly. There is I am sure more, but just to show you few links what we are talking about:

    Tens of thousands of dead fish wash ashore on South Carolina beach - U.S. News

    Mysterious dolphin deaths continue in Gulf of Mexico
  18. look man, there is no doubt that experiments conducted by man are having a strange effect on things in general, its just there is no conspiracy bro. Just people seriously interested in shit that work out shit and do shit n stuff, its not all good man, its not at all but its just the cycle, its impossible to stop people from expanding, or wanting to expand/experiment with shit... we all do it but on differnet levels
  19. #20 AnakinEiktiwan, Jan 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2013
    Yes, you are rite.

    But those experiments must be done in lab, not in the entire planet ok?

    Otherwise it is a crime against humanity and nature ok?

    Also, animal testings are wrong. It is against the law to torture animals. So if you want to test something, you can use yourself ok?

    Also, animals are not humans so the tests are not even correct: they are done mostly couse then they can market easily all these synthetic poisons to people couse "yeah we tested em they are very safe".

    Just for example, that merck criminal company did this "wonder medicine". I also eated that very much, over the dose when I had to drive like 18 hours with shitty cars and had chronic pains from that.

    So they put out massive advertisements that this will heal all blabla its so safe that you canoot imagine blabla finding of the century blabla..

    And yeah, it sold very good: big money. But then, soon people started drop dead and the whole thing just quietly was buried.

    So why is this company still even legally selling these products, that can kill people? Here we are, again in the very essence of babylon: why is hemp illegal but poisons are legal?

    New York Sues Merck over Vioxx Fraud

    Or then you do not test anything. Animals are also my family ok?

    Even better, one should think what experiments are really needed now. Was that mars rover really good idea? I mean, isnt there many starving people only in America? What difference it would make even there was aliens, hmm? Dont we like, should first fix our own problems here on home before we just shoot stupid piece of metals to the space with massive energy?

    Yeah, maybe you are right, maybe there isnt conspiracy. Maybe those people are just stupid childs. But that does not change the fact that they are not suitable to run a country. I mean, you dont give a child sword? So dont feed the gov, thank you.


    Why we need synthetic drugs since every cure is found already from nature? They find all the time new plants and bugs in the rainforest, that have many healing properties. And yes, the same elite is chopping down vigorously that rainforest.

    This is madness. The question is, why we allow these crazy people to run the govs?

    They murder, make experiments with our children, destroy our home planet etc. you just cannot justify terrorism by "oh well, boys are boys, its impossible to stop expansion".

    It is impossible if you choose to be a dog to these "spacelizards". But me thinks, that human who is a dog to another human, is lower than natural dog.

    In China they eat dogs, in here doghumans run corporations etc. babylon is everything upside down but we can fix it with truth and love. <3

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