boobies, a cockeyed cheech marin, upside down it looks like a long haired bushy eyebrowed guy with a bald spot and a fu manchu. anyone else? EDIT: i definitely see two mountain climbers on either end, carrying huge backpacks.
body of a bird in the middle, a guy sittin on a chair holding something weird on both sides i see that and there floating thats exacty what i see
and upside down i see ffour ppl, 2 on the top hitting bongs or something and the bottomn 2 just doing nothing
to me i see... 2 baby mice on the top... and 2 bigger mice on the bottom each goin after a piece of cheese
You all are gonna think I'm crazy, but I see two children riding carousel horses with flags down a long hallway. *shrugs* I can see the mice thing though. ~Kate