Now it's my mom

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Bud Head, Oct 23, 2003.

  1. Our hearts and prayers are with you BudHead. I hope you and your mom make it through this trial. My mom's been having some pains in her abdomen recently that the doctor hasn't been able to diagnose. I'm kinda scared of what that could be.
  2. Bud Head, u and your family are in my thoughts.all the karma i can give will be given, all the prayers i can say will be said. be strong and postive;)
  3. once were friends.
    pompus arse. arhh the days when everyone here loved everyone and life was good
    lol the past is devoid of the bad things
    we only remember the good.
    I don't understand the point of reviving 10+ year old forum posts with psuedo-philosophical diatribe? :confused_2:
  5. lol cause l can :confused_2: :smoking:
  6. Lucky for you the cure for cancer is fairly cheap and readily available

    Sent from Eric Forman's basement, Point Place Wisconsin
  7. #27 Tokesmith, Jul 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2014
    Oo 10 year old thread. A lot of these posters don't know what karma is.

    "I'm to drunk, to taste this chicken" -Talladega nights
  8. I hope his mum pulled through  :eek:

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