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Now I KNOW Why MMJ Is Such A Great Thing...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CmMx112, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Whats up GC'ers, so here over the past few months Ive developed a rash under my right arm (around the corners of my arm pit, and a little inside it) Well at first it didnt really bother me, but within the past month or so its been giving me alot of discomfort, itchyness, and a harsh burning sensation at times. Well I tried 5 different creams, and one of them was issued to my mom by her doctor, for her psoriasis... And it didnt work too well, still itched and burned. I did alot of research, and unfortunatly Im pretty sure I have psoriasis. Im guessing its hereditary, my mom has it, it isnt too bad though. My aunt and grandma also have it....

    Well, I got hooked up with some high mids about 2 weeks ago, and from the feeling the bud gives me, Im guessing its sativa. It gives me an upper feeling, not really stoned, but more of a great high. It makes my body buzz a little, and its a great motivated high. Well, Ive been smoking it every day for about 2 weeks now, and I noticed the rash hasnt been bothering me lately. Well I took a break today, and guess what, the discomfort and all the other good stuff came back. So I figured Id try hitting the bong, just to see... Well, I DO believe medical marijuana is very effective, because I smoked an hour ago, and there is no burning or itching WHAT-SO-EVER! Funny thing is, I used my moms prescribed cream earlier today and it did nothing for me. Still burned, and itched pretty bad...Figured I would share this with you guys, and do they actually prescribe MMJ to people with psoriasis?
  2. And heres the bud Im talking about... (paid 20 for this BTW :D)

    Sorry for the horrible quality, off of my phone...

  3. It's very green. I just got some orange. I think orange would win in a fight. Nice buds tho. Toke that up ASAP

    I wish we could mix a bowl of green and orange acrost from each other like some develish salda of ganja.
  4. oh it's on there bro. go get a card for you and your mom if you're in cali:smoke:
  5. fatkat- Yea man, its pretty green, it has a very strong smell too. Thatd be a crazy mixed bowl :hello:

    noahluv- Yea, I did a little research o it last night and I saw a few sites talking about using MMJ for psoriasis. I wish I lived in Cali. Stuck in boring ol' Virginia. LoL

  6. Well at least.... nah idk. it's Virginia=p

    Why don't you just move on over to say... elsewhere?
  7. Well Im in community college right now. Inbetween jobs. Dont really have the money or time to move anywhere else. Im still in the process of trying to move out of my parents place. Theyre paying for everything I have (food, shelter, college, cell, ect.) And they said they will continue to pay for it as long as I live at home. So I might migrate elsewhere after I graduate from college. Not in a hurry to get out anyways :)

  8. Dude, stay there as long as you can and maybe start your own business if you have a special talent or something. Then you have extra income and can eventually move out with a self-sustaining way of earning money and you can be in charge of your own time.

    No other way to do it man. :smoke:
  9. Weed is a painkiller, so yeah...
  10. That's the greenest green I ever seen!!! :eek:
  11. definitely looks like sativa, and i'm definitely jealous... :smoke:
  12. That black spot looks to be a seed? Anyways good looking beasters.

    I supposedly have asthma my doc said. Gave me a nebulizer n liquid to go with it. But I don't use it, but I should start pretending so if I move to California ill be set.

  13. if you are using old spice lol then that might explain the rash. i got the same thing, i still have a rash but it doesnt burn since i stopped using old spice

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