Now I know what it feels like to be 80 years old

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Noxnoctum, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. I'm super suicidally depressed and a bunch of BS like that so I had finally had ECT done to me... basically the same shit they did to Crowe in A Beautiful Mind... and get this. The shit has totally wiped my memory. It's the weirdest thing ever.

    I can't remember pretty much my entire life before a week ago. It all seems like it happened to some other guy in some other life. It's really really weird.

    Of course, it's not helping the depression or anxiety at all either so it's been pretty much a waste of time... and it goes back to my argument that I would have been better off just smoking weed all the time anyways (which was always my back up plan :D)

    My memory's supposed to return (only like 5% of the time does it get wiped permanentally... still a bit high for my tastes :rolleyes:)

    But in the meantime, I'm gonna enjoy rewatching all my old favorite movies, that I can no longer remember LMAO :smoking:

    Just thought I'd share... one of the strangers things that's happened to me.
  2. how do you remember which are your fav movies????? ;)
  3. Haha that's awesome man, good luck to you and I hope you get all your memory back :p
  4. Prolly the one he owns lol

    Sorry, DP.

  5. LOL, that's what's so weird about it dude. I can't really! I can't really remember what my interests are and stuff. It's fucking weird. I have to go on my facebook to remember what kind of personality I have.
  6. they can do that? like wipe your memory? daaaang.
  7. How do you remember your grasscity login?!?!?!?!?!!?

  8. Luckily I had that on auto-login :p.

    It's hard to explain, but basically if I see something that reminds me of something that got wiped--like my login here reminds me of my email password because it's the same--then that gets "plugged back in" to my brain sort of.

    So I can see things that remind me of pieces of the past and kinda let me "put it back together".

    It kicks ass for music though! Like it's a major pain in the ass to try to remember what my favorite albums are, but once I do, it's like I'm completely listening to them for the first time again :cool:
  9. Explain this ECT wiping away your memory procedure. I've never heard of anything like this before.
  10. Thats crazy man...I hope you can remember shit again...Are you still blazing or taking a break ?

  11. That's not its purpose, it's a side effect. It's normally used to treat depression and schizophrenia (for some reason they have similar treatments), it's exactly the same thing they did in A Beautiful Mind like I mentioned (it's basically induced seizures)

    The weird thing though, is it seems to be enhancing music too somewhat. Not to the degree of weed or shrooms/LSD but it's like because there's this big void in my mind... I can dedicate more resources to enjoying music lol :hello:

    I'm not recommending it though ;)
  12. Naw I'm taking a break while I'm doing this shit. Though I'm kinda scared of it now... wondering if I should stop doing it. But then again, if it works... it'll be worth it you know... I wish I knew :confused:
  13. do you remember what weed tastes like or what being high or stoned is like?

  14. No :(

    I guess I'll enjoy all the more after I can toke again.
  15. So I'm assuming they do this to release traumatic memories and thoughts that were causing your depression in the first place, but if your memory comes back, whats the point? I don't think I'm understanding what that would accomplish....

    Definitely sounds interesting though.

  16. maybe youll get high like the first time again, and that will be awesome. woot! :hello:

    assuming you choose to try it again... :D
  17. I'm very interested in ECT.

    I've read up about a little before. Sounds like something I might try someday.

  18. Well hell yeah that's something I can remember, I don't remember what it's like but I remember loving it :smoking:!

    But yeah I'll let you guys know how it goes with curing the depression. It supposedly has like a 80% cure rate for depression... which is pretty damn good. But still, trying not to get my hopes up. I don't think it does it by removing traumatic memories though. Pretty sure that's just kind of a side effect type thing. For whatever reason, causing your brain to have seizures has a positive effect :eek:
  19. You do seem happy :hello:
  20. Happy is as Happy does :hello::hello: btw watch Forrest Gump its awesome!

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