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novice smoker needs advice on edibles

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by adammuffin, Oct 23, 2014.

  1.     pretty new to the world of cannabis, I've enjoyed it so far though except a few times when I got too high. my friend made me an edible (a firecracker to be specific) all he told me was that the high takes awhile to kick in and it lasts a lot longer. Im planning on having the edible on friday but i have more questions such as does it hurt your stomach? will it make you REALLY high? does it taste horrible? Will I puke? Does it act as a laxative and will I have the runs the next day? Should I smoke more after having it? These questions might seem dumb to some of you and I'm not sure if this is even the right place to ask this, but if you could answer some of my questions (and more if you're willing) with your experiences with edibles, that would be great :)

  2. #2 QualiD, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
    unless whomever making the edibles in question are terrible cooks, you're going to be 100% fine.
    no laxative-like symptoms will occur.
    unless your friends think its funny to put laxatives into their baked goods.
    so assuming everything is on the up and up, you should have a pleasant experience.
    if you're an inexperienced user, I suggest not smoking after ingesting an edible until after the edible kicks in and
    you've found your mellow high.
  3. Well just the other day, (2 days ago) i ate 2 firecracker2as well, and it took about an hour an a half to kick in and it tasted horrible as the crackers i had were just awful (learned from my mistakes haha)
    but anyway, what i'm saying is that personally i didn't experience a more intense high, and i did smoke as well. 
    i'm thinking initially the high is very intense. but i smoked so i didn't ease into it like getting high off of firecrackers does. xD
  4. Does it hurt your stomach?
    It could possibly make you throw up, depending on the potency of the edible and how much you eat. You shouldn't feel any pain in your stomach but you might get queezy. I had a friend who ate 1 brownie, got really baked and puked while we were outside of an ihop. Couldve been the ihop.... 
    Will it make you really high?
    Again, the potency of the edible really determines exactly how high you get. I suggest eating 1/4 or 1/2 of it first, see how high you get, then decide whether or not to eat more. 
    well I havent tasted a firecracker in particular, but I've had many different types of edibles and they all taste just how you expected them to taste, but with a little bit of that sweet sweet maryjane after taste.
    Yes, if you eat ihop afterwards.
    Does it act as a laxative? 
    It really shouldnt. If it does someone fucked up somewhere. 
    Should you smoke more?
    As a novice smoker, an edible should be sufficient enough to get you to cloud 9. But hey, if you feel like you can go higher than go right ahead.
    hope I helped!
  5. Yeah it takes about an hour before you start to feel it hitting you. It doesn't hurt your stomach at all. I'd recommend smoking a bit when you can feel it coming on because I've noticed with edibles there isn't as much of a head high but a really intense body high which can be nice. It doesn't act as a laxative at all. If you've got anymore questions feel free to ask :)

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