So today I got high...I started to think about the universe and what started it all...well the big bang but before that how was the big bang created what was before it??? how are we here and what makes up the universe, once you get past all the science what makes matter and space and time exist??? I really wanna know, cause to me it seems like we are in some infinite matrix with are real world is just a computer program and the computer program is just another program and it goes on forever and me as a person is so insignificant in the grand terms of things, my life and anything around is sooooo small compared to everything around it, it cant possible matter? what makes space and what made space exist and what space is space in??? should i give up and just not worry about it? or should i continue to question reality?
If little ol' you can dream up an entire world, complete with cars, trees, and people when you're sleeping in one night and an atom is just the solar system is someone dreaming up you?
The answer to most of your questions is a simple "I don't know" but I'll try to explain something in reference to your thread title. When people talk about the big bang theory you always hear "something from nothing." When they say nothing they aren't talking about it in a colloquial sense. When they say nothing they are talking about quantum fluctuations as allowed by the uncertainty principle. Watch this video for a better explanation to this and other questions you may have: [ame=""]YouTube- 'A Universe From Nothing' by Lawrence Krauss, AAI 2009[/ame]
If something from nothing then nothing is something and something is nothing. Either we don't exist or the theory is incorrect. Just think about that for a second, really feel it. Nothing exists. Yet you just had that thought. It's really very freeing.
Hadron could prove this guy to be the next Einstein...or not - we'll see though [ame=]YouTube - Garrett Lisi: A beautiful new theory of everything[/ame]
The Big Bang was basically an enormous explosion. Come with me on an incredible online journey and all will be revealed Einstein developed his General Theory Of Relativity. In a nutshell, the universe must be either expanding or contracting, or the galaxies would be drawn together by gravity - we now know (by measuring light from other, distant galaxies and other crazy things) that the universe is expanding. It expanded/exploded from a very hot, very dense sort of ball thing. The important thing to remember this ball cluster thing that this wasn't 'inside' the universe - this thing CREATED the universe, as we shall see. Anyhow, at this ridiculous temperature and density (something like 1024 grams per cubic centimeter), photons (basically, electromagnetic energy - or simply put, light) created by the immense radiation of this ball were interchangeable with particles (electrons, protons and neutrons basically, no elements besides hydrogen yet). As according to Einstein's E=MC2 (basically, matter and energy are the same things in different forms, and when a particle of matter meets a particle of antimatter - a substance with a negative charge - both particles are annihilated), when the antimatter and matter particles annihilated each other, 'energised photons' are created. Their energy (the same thing as matter, just in a different form) in turn creates more particles to annihilate each other etc. This was unsustainable however, and photons soon lost the required energy to create more particles. This caused a rapid cooling to take place, at which particles began to join, if you like. This meant that the nucleus of helium could be formed (the nucleus of hydrogen has a proton and a neutron - helium has 2 of each) and stick together, as the speed and energy of the other particles colliding with the helium would not have been great enough to break them apart. As the universe kept cooling, galaxies and stars were formed from gravity drawing helium and hydrogen together. The stars acted as factories converting hydrogen and helium to heavier elements (iron, fluoride and basically everything ever) by way of nuclear fission, and it is from the eventual settling of these elements that planets and such were made. And, in a simplified (and possibly wrong in some parts, it's been a while since I was learning about this ) version, this is the Big Bang! And yes, you are very, very small in scope of the universe. The posturings of human society often makes us think we're the biggest, best and most complex things ever, but one read of Carl Sagan's 'Pale Blue Dot' paragraph puts it all in perspective. , read it! Really helps when thinking about things like this