Nothing to do on a friday night

Discussion in 'General' started by MariaJuana92, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. My friend and I are just chillin here, bored af.
    We wanna go out and do something but nobody nearby seems to be doing anything.
    We wanted to have a fun night but there's nobody to talk to.
    ever have this problem?

  2. buy liquor
    oh wait you're 16
  3. lmao
    brb mass texting
  4. Close. I'm 20. I can't help it.
  5. im in the same boat, 20 and nothing to do. i stopped smoking so it makes things a little more dull. if you have teen nick, 90s is all that is on lol. 
  6. my friend only has basic cable.
    that would be awesome.
    The picture along with your default picture seriously killed me for 10 minutes straight xD 
  8. Atleast you're not in the middle of butt fuck nowhere Wyoming fending off coyotes from eating the dogs and cats. Count your blessings. Ha!

    Ima smoke a bowl for ya while I'm on watch in the backyard.
  9. aw man, youre missing out on some catdog and hey arnold lol 
  10. That doesn't make me any less bored. Lol. 
    smoke it wiiiithh me
  11. Well shiiiiiiiiiiit, if I could email this hash and jager I sure as hell would!
    Hope the night turns out for ya.
  12. if your bored then your boring.
  13. we can smoke at the same exact time
    but i'd loooove some hash and jager right now
    mmm you have no idea
  14. I probably really am! I think it's just living in the middle of nowhere and not knowing a shit ton of people, honestly. Like I just want to go out and have fun. Meet new people. But I can't find a way to do that. Screw rural minnesota. 
  15. I'm ripping my bong and watching some Aqua Teen. I'd say it's a chill Friday. 
  16. im watching adult swim too
  17. Bump some shit and...

  18. My buddies were all supposed to come over and rip mad bong tonight. Of course they all bailed. 
  19. I'm stuck at home doing nothing as i have college orientation and such early in the AM. Fuckin boring fridays amirite?

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