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Not to complain or anything...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CheifToke&Smoke, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. I've been smoking marijuana since I was a little over 13, being 18 now I have never had health issues due to marijuana. I smoke very little mids and usually in blunt/joint form, And smoke on average 1-3 grams a day off the sticky icky via blunts, bowls, gravs, joints, and bongs. One night about a month ago I hit a grav like I so many countless times have before. actually packed up 3 or 4 using a 2 litter and a craftsman metal socket. But when I was trying to chillax and enjoy my buzz before bedtime I noticed my heart was beating unusually fast and hard, My arms/hands/feet started tingling. I began to get really nervous and it actually brought on a terrible anxiety attack (which was my first anxiety attack ever) So it was quite terrifying. After this I was perplexed what caused this to happen out of no where. I was kinda nervous to smoke the next day out of my bowl which I did had a real happy high but I noticed my heart beat went up. About a week later I decided to use a different socket and try the grav again. Caused ANOTHER anxiety attack but this time 2x worse which I couldnt calm myself down for atleast 2 hours. I actually had vivid feelings/voices? that death/god?? was with me telling me to stop smoking weed??? After this I've been having heart palpitations most of the time, 90% of the time they havent been causing me much harm but they are very bothersom. Being the die-hard stoner I am, I still tried smoking blunts and bowls with no anxiety but continued increase of my heart palpitations. A couple days later I smoked a bong packed fat with chronic at my friends house one night before a party, which after 2 hits brought on another anxiety attack exactlly like the first and the only thing that kept going through my mind was that exact feeling to stop smoking weed. I explained my situation to my friends and they actually talked me out of my anxiety attack by helping me breath. Ever since these events I have been having constant heart palpitations and flutterings weather I smoked or not. And ANYTIME I smoke out of a bong or grav I get an anxiety attack almost imediatly. But I can smoke blunts, bowls, and joints with only the increasation of the heart palpitation. I'm not one to bitch or moan about this kinda stuff but this has seriously been bothering me and I truly feel like something isn't right inside of me.

    Whats my fellow stoners thoughts/opinions/experiences??
    I love my ganja it helps me realese my days stress, and quite frankly makes me feel fantastic. I've even tried making pot brownies which brought me close to an anxiety attack but not quite.

    I'm really at a loss with this one, Someone shed some light :(
  2. Bongs and grav's sound they are giving you too big of hits
  3. Maybe so, But i've smoked bongs and gravs for a very long time. And these heart palpitations/skipping beats continue weather I smoke or not and get worse when I do.
  4. Are you sure you're not just misidentifying an increased heart rate for heart palpitations? Blood goes through 4 parts of the heart, so each "bum-bum" or whatever has 2 parts, and in your high state you might just be overanalyzing it.

    But who knows, you'd probably be best off asking a doctor. No, they can't do anything about you smoking weed, if they say they can't help go to a different doctor
  5. it seems in general you are just an anxious person or nervous, bud can increase or decrease depending whatever mood you are when you smoke.

    Drink a beer...
  6. #6 garrison68, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    If my heart rate doesn't increase when I use weed, either the stuff isn't very good or my tolerance is high. I have a home blood pressure monitor that also gives a heart pulse reading. My heat rate goes from an average of 65 bpm to about 100 bpm when I smoke good stuff. I also have a prolapsed valve, or murmer, and that causes some weird heart feelings even when I'm not smoking or vaping.
  7. Maybe it's time for a t-break? itsa not a must, but never hurts. I know it sucks, I started my 1 month break exactly 4 days ago, but hey, I will be happy afterwards I guess!
  8. hmm...strange...
    i wouldnt suspect weed to be the direct culprit. its gotta be fuckin with your head a little. the like 5th time i smoked i had to go to my house 30 mins later and i was fuckin freaking out i was like shaking in the chair so scared it was awful.
    definitely steer from bongs/gravs as their basically like shots but in weed form. perhaps a more smooth and kind device or even a vape! if possible take a break for a week or two and work your way up to bongs and shit. or buy a one hitter and some danks to give yourself a nice buzz. this is a terrible story and im sorry to hear of your probs, best of luck
  9. Stick to blunts/joints; they are better anyways IMO
  10. Well I can kind of relate to your story chief, I had moments like this in my time smoking. First off, taking in THC is going to make your heart rate and blood pressure rise. A suggestion I can make is try vaporizing. Vapor is harmless to the lungs, it contains no carcinogens. Now the problem with Vaping in your case is that anyone that truly knows about the vaporizer will agree with me when I say it will fuck you up as in getting stoned.
  11. You should seriously just say "fuckkkk you, panic attacks." and be done with them. ha. I used to get crazy panic attacks all the time from putting way too many crazy chemicals in my body, and really the only thing that pulled me out of them was realizing that it's all in your head. You're controlling what you're thinking about and if you can grab hold to your senses long enough, you realize it's just your mind playing tricks. I'm certainly not saying that none of it is real, but chances are that if these symptoms are just from lighting up a bowl, then you're not in any life threatening danger and just thinking too hard about what's causing it/how to prevent it might just be letting it settle in your head that weed=sick panic attacks. Your brain making this association could be intensifying these seemingly harmless side effects that all potheads probably come across at some point.
    BUT i could be entirely wrong and you should maybe get that shit checked out if you're actually hearing voices/god...increased heart rate comes with the plant, but if it's too the point of pain or SO increased that you're worried about it, then take a break or cut back.

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